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Posts posted by EpicEbilninja

  1. it's really that all mainstream games and consoles are becoming less and less enjoyable...


    it's not just nintendo, but the majority of the gaming industry!





    there are many requirements, costs, and risks that get in the way with all of these companies that may eventually be their own downfall... but why only focus on nintendo?

  2. It seems that the power of the kusai has taken near full control over the chosen! Kusai alone cannot do much, but now that this parasite has found a host, all hope will be lost if we do not act soon...

    The thing with the chosen and kusai, is that whenever kusai's power has a surge, the chosen has received more power than the threat kusai. Has the chosen been un-willingly manipulating the horrible might of the kusai?


    Could it be that the prophecy never said that the finlandcycles were to take the power for their own, but could it mean that they take it away thus saving the gcn? Could the combined might of the three factions be enough? Seems you have a new reason to use project maple finlandcycles... This place needs saving gcn defenders... what good is world domination if there is no world evil magistrate...


    there is now very little hope, but all together on a temporary truce(sort of), we may be able to put a stop to the chosen, and a stop to the true evil, kusai!!!!!

  3. For me, I started with gamemaker when I was only 9 years old...


    When I started gamemaker, I knew absolutely nothing, but I thought I would be able to make a great game right at the moment I began. Well, that was a total flop, because I couldn't even process the basic functions back then. I was clueless and completly devestated in thinking I could make an awesome paper mario game with no experience at all! I didn't know what anything in the program menat... I thought the "jump to position(moves the object to a specific x,y)" literally made the player jump into the air, I had the gravity accidentally set so mario would float upwards, I eventually gave up trying to make mario jump, and made a sprite to look like he. did instead. I knew nothing about turnbased rpgs, and decided to make it a battle game instead... horrible...


    eventually, I learned the very basics... I learned about the existance of variable a lot , looked at some tutorials, looked at the files of other people's games, studied the program language, and learned quite a bit on my own from there.



    Now I am back to learning how to make a ds game using devkitpro/programmer's notepad(thanks again for showing me that xdan), and I am back to square one once again(well, not quite because GML did teach me a few things), and I am looking forward to creating great things someday!

  4. I have been comming across some problems now... I can't seem to understand how to get my emulator to run a .NDS file...


    i have made one of the example games in devkitpro(the "hello world" example), and when I try to run it on my emulator(dualis), it crashes...



    I know I'm doing something wrong, has anybody used the program before, and know what to do?


    edit: i guess it was just the emulator... i replaced gualis with no$gba, and it worked fine :D


    there really isn't anything wrong at the moment, but knowing me, i'm going to screw something up XD

  5. http://devkitpro.org/ ...but beyond that... Well, 5 or so years ago you had devkitPro and PAlib, but as far as I know, PAlib is dead and its latest version requires devkitPro versions that are several years out of date.


    I guess you could search around for "devkitPro tutorial DS" or somesuch... This might be something: http://dev-scene.com/NDS/Tutorials




    yes, i'm going to have to do some research on the program, but I now know what to look for :D

  6. yes, I am planning on eventually as a break from my current project in the not so near future, to try to make a game for my dsi. I have heard of homebrew, and have found out that i can access it with a dsi action replay, or a special ds cartridge both of which will accept an sd card. I tried doing a little bit of research of how to start the actual programming, and came out with nothing... :(


    anybody know where to start?

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