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Everything posted by EpicEbilninja

  1. i don't quite see how what it has with kirby myself, but isn't "superstar" just a really common name? it apeared atleast twice in the mario series(and one o)f them was even a sports game if I can remember correctly)
  2. yes, as amazing as super mario rpg was, the mario and luigi rpg was a different series just a little video, literally just the first video I found
  3. i think I would have to see the actual thing to fully understand this, so I will try it maybe some other time well, with gamemaker, I am currently working on a game called "wario and waluigi RPG", I don't have much yet, but it's begining to turn out ok
  4. saddly, i havn't actually heard of that before... I'll have to try it out some time
  5. Fool, have you no knowledge of what will come? Leaving this guild will be your own downfall!
  6. welcome to the gcn!!!! Yes, I myself have a game creation obsession, I mainly focus on gamemaker (most people think it's "lazy", and "too user friendly", but I think it's a fairly good program )
  7. yes, I agree with that statement I prefer the manga, but the anime is still enjoyable
  8. Government controled "internet"? No good can come from this...
  9. Anybody watch fullmetal alchemist, zatch bell, or the older seasons(kanto and johto) of pokemon?
  10. you fail to realize that your attack means nothing to us... you will all see in due time... --Magistrate Boss EpicEbilninja--
  11. People say I'm foolish with my methods of this war, and therefore will be unable to proceed in this war... They say I am a coward who's only goal is to prey on the weak and punish the innocent. You say I am just a petty murderer, but you think that you are not? You attempt to justify your bloodshed with pitiful words like "fate" or "for the greater good", when my goals are beyond your naive lies. We have already regained the power that the finlandcycles have stolen from us, thus proving their efforts were for nothing. We continue to grow in power, and do not fear the either guild. With pure confidence, you will all beg for mercy with the destruction of the world, but also destroying the kusai, shattering all of existence as we know it!
  12. "Savior"? I would not even spit in the direction of you naive factions... The power of two people alone will tremble before my might, thinking they can protect this pitiful world! And to think... that you fools beleive that you can "obtain" this world, and in your own twisted minds "save" this piece of dirt! My plans are far more than that... none shall stand in my way of the destruction of kusai! Such foolish beleifs that you can stop us... you may be able to slow us down, but we will be victorious!
  13. either way, it still looks great! you have the old-school map layout pretty good though!
  14. some things just need minor changes, but it does in fact look great with the battle, the custom sprites need a little work(maybe some shading, or a few more details), and some things in the overworld don't quite fit(one npc really stands out, and one of the buildings look a little warped) it's really not to big of a problem, only very minor flaws, and I really am looking forward to the game
  15. good job so far the pictures so far look pretty nice(even if just a few things need some minor changes), and I think the game should be one full game rather than episodes.
  16. so, how is the progress going again? are you glad this is back up again?
  17. With my powers rapidly increasing, The Chosen is now all that stands in my way! I have passed the power of the FinlandCycles, and I am now one step closer to destroying this filthy world that will crumble before my might! The Evil Magistrate will PREVAIL!!!!!!!! *quests have been added! -stop the Evil Magistrate from destroying the protector of this world! -keep the Finlandcycles from fullfilling The Prophecy!
  18. well, it sort of seems the same way to me... it feels like you guys are looking down on us as well sorry by the way...
  19. blinx, I also decided to state my opinion Everybody has their own biased opinion, it's only natural. Isn't topics like this meant to show your opinion? although, it really doesn't matter to me if somebody dissagrees with my statement, but I still allowed to express mine. I'm not trying to sound mean, but it feels like I am not allowed to speak my opinion.
  20. Two overlords? Watch what you say! The magikarp republic may hear you! they are everywhere...
  21. well, aren't you atleast glad they came out with the games to begin with? How would you feel if they never came out with those games in the first place? Are you glad they did? all I am saying, is this isn't reason enough to feel that nintendo is going down hill. If they got rid of mario, link, and the others, then I would sort of agree, but I am sure they will make more of the games that everybody has been waiting to see(like f-zero, and other great titles) there is no way they can please everybody, and are currently trying their best to attempt to. Even the slightest glimmer of faith can become bright once more. and one more thing about the chip thing... it's more like they came out with a "better" version of the flavor that is clearly not as great, you can still eat the older flavor, but you chose to not eat them anyway
  22. this probably isn't any of my buisness, but "losing faith in nintendo"? what this current topic is saying is basically "I no longer like nintendo", all because you claim it already hit it's prime... so you are saying that now that the games aren't what they used to be, you now have a hate for nintendo? After enjoying so many clasic titles, you are saying nintendo is terrible? That's the exact same thing as eating your favorite flavour of chips, but when you are down to the crumbs, you say you never want to eat those chips again. The quality may be going down a little, and you may be displeased, but have a little patience. I'm sure they are making many great games, and will continue to do so, but saying you lost faith in nintendo because the games aren't what they used to be, is just like giving up on something half way through. I'm sure nintendo will create something great in the future, but my opinion of this topic is that I do not agree, and that it will get better eventually
  23. I used to go through something similar to this myself... I would get bullied, called weird, etc. I had very few friends, and thought everybody was out to get me because I was different. My biggest mistake for the majority of my life was not accepting who I really am. I soon learned that being weird wasn't all a bad thing, and that all it means is that you are different, but isn't everybody? After I accepted who I was, I began to look for atleast one person who shared a common interest. The hardest part about making a friend is the courage to meet them, and when you do talk to them, and share interests, things get better over time. And the thing with friends, is they also have some of thier own who share the same interests, and may make great possible friends. With girls, the only thing I can say speaking as I don't have a girlfriend myself, is that you will have to make sure it's the right person for you, and that it may take time to meet them, and get to know them. Really the only tip I can really say is to be proud of who you are. With accepting yourself and having courage, you can achieve great things in life. I really hope this helps atleast a little bit
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