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Everything posted by EpicEbilninja

  1. I'm a nintendo person all the way the nes was the greatest invention in history! but I was forced by my parents to sell my dear old console at the young age of 7 to a collector to put on a shelf to never be used again... I had duck hunt, the zapper, 2 controllers, mario, mario 3, and many other classic games... I'm planning on getting another, but it won't be the same...
  2. clearly you have more experience than I do with gamemaker, but with my game, I feel it's best for me to learn what I can by myself I learned that the hard way a while back with my older wario and waluigi rpg, getting help from friends, listening to the people saying to use drag and drop, and using 3 previously existing overworld engines that did NOT turn out well It may have been a full year since I started with the game, but I'm back to restarting the game from my own codes thank you for the help with gml, I've been trying to figure it out on my own, and what you have shown did help a little for further understanding i'll do my best to learn more about gml though
  3. this would work in your typical oveworld, but not exactly for a mario and luigi rpg overworld trust me, i did something like this before thanks for the help i have only been working with gml since the beginning of summer I have enough knowledge to know how gml works, but I just make a lot of errors, and I have a habit of making things more complicated than it needs to be gamemaker is all about having fun, and being creative, and it makes it a lot more enjoyable to have support nah, people make mistakes all the time, it's really not too big a deal as long as we can all have a positive experience, everything is fine we both had some disagreements, but it's better now I actually learned a lot from this experience
  4. yeah, I said sorry to people(jason777), tried to settle things with people I barely know, and made stupid mistakes with gamemaker just a normal day for me, I'm rather used to it by now, but the only difference is it was about something I did rather than someone else(posting an incorrect code) and just so you know, i'd rather keep things understandable to me for the moment it's a simple way that works, and it's WAY faster than the older game(I suggest you don't play it too much, I'll have my engine finished in a month or 2) the slow down is not noticable for most computers, and on those other computers, not by much
  5. no, that wasn't what was really going on I thought I knew what I was doing, and left many mistakes in my codes thanks for pointing out the problems though, I am still learning about gml, and I made a lot of errors, or unneeded codes in my game I wasn't blaming gamemaker, I was trying to defend myself because I believed I was right whan I was clearly wrong next time you leave criticism though, please don't call people incompetent, it didn't really leave that deap a wound to me, but some people take it quite harshly criticism is supposed to be constuctive, to help with further creation, but like me, you thought you knew everything about the situation, and made some rather harsh comments I guess we both have some areas we need to improve on, just like every other person in the world
  6. he was only trying to help I was wrong, and he corrected me angrilly or not, he helped me to find a solution to my problems I'm actually sort of glad he did, but it would have been nicer without him calling me a failure...
  7. yes, yes, I know it's an old overworld code, it doesn't work 100% I litterally just took the 1st code I found, in an earlier version of my game and no, drag and drop is very noob-ish, but so is unneeded codes you claim I know nothing, but just wait a bit for me to release the actual game if you tried to make a mario and luigi rpg overworld the way you said, many bad things would happen the code went through many changes, and has quite a few unneeded codes, but it is something from my game, and not something off the top of my head to annoy people i'll fix the code then if it makes you happy, but I'm not a terrible creator //if not pressing keys, stops moving if not keyboard_check(vk_up)&& not keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_down)&& not keyboard_check(vk_left) {global.animated=false //stops animations global.move=false} //stops waluigi's movement //if pressing opposite keys player stops if keyboard_check(vk_left)&& keyboard_check(vk_right) {global.animated=false global.move=false} if keyboard_check(vk_up)&& keyboard_check(vk_down) {global.animated=false global.move=false} //executes movement //checks if talking if global.talk = false {//checks if holding specific keys(ex: will check if holding up, and no other key if keyboard_check(vk_up) && not keyboard_check(vk_left)&& not keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_down) //keyboard up {ddirection = 1 //sets direction(1=up 2=up-right 3=right 4=down-right 5=down 6=down-left 7=left 8=upleft) global.animated=true //allows animation for both wario and waluigi script_execute(move_up4) //uses a script to allow player to move up by 4 and check collisions } if keyboard_check(vk_up) && not keyboard_check(vk_left)&& keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_down) //up right {ddirection = 2 //sets direction up right global.animated=true //allows animation script_execute(move_up3) //move up 3 script_execute(move_right3)}//move right by 3 if not keyboard_check(vk_down) && keyboard_check(vk_right)&& not keyboard_check(vk_up) && not keyboard_check(vk_left) //keyboard right {ddirection = 3//sets direction right global.animated=true // allows animation script_execute(move_right4)}//moves right by 4 if keyboard_check(vk_down) && not keyboard_check(vk_left)&& keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_up) //keyboard down right {ddirection = 4//sets direction right down global.animated=true //allows animation script_execute(move_down3)//down by 3 script_execute(move_right3)}//right by 3 if keyboard_check(vk_down) && not keyboard_check(vk_left)&& not keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_up) //keyboard down {ddirection = 5 //sets direction down global.animated=true//allows animation script_execute(move_down4)}//right by 4 if keyboard_check(vk_down) && keyboard_check(vk_left)&& not keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_up) //keyboard down left {ddirection = 6//sets direction down left global.animated=true//allows animation script_execute(move_down3)//down by 3 script_execute(move_left3)}//left by 3 if not keyboard_check(vk_down) && keyboard_check(vk_left)&& not keyboard_check(vk_up) && not keyboard_check(vk_right) //keyboard left {ddirection = 7//sets direction left global.animated=true//allows animation script_execute(move_left4)}//left by 4 if keyboard_check(vk_up) && keyboard_check(vk_left)&& not keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_down) //keyboard up left {ddirection = 8//sets direction up left global.animated=true//allows animation script_execute(move_up3)//up by 3 script_execute(move_left3)//left by 3 }} //this checks for collisions, and sets movement speed if place_free(x,y-4)//checks for solid objects {//checks for collisions for each specific height if place_meeting(x,y-4,obj_hblock1) && z<16 {exit}//if lower than 16, stops moving before contact if place_meeting(x,y-4,obj_hblock2) && z<32 {exit}//if lower than 32, stops moving before contact if place_meeting(x,y-4,obj_hblock3) && z<48 {exit}//if lower than 48, stops moving before contact if place_meeting(x,y-4,obj_hblock4) && z<64 {exit}//if lower than 64, stops moving before contact global.move=true//sets movement for waluigi if obj_waluigi.y-y<24//checks if too far away from waluigi {y+=-4}}//move up relatively by 4 I was in a rush, so may not be 100% correct
  8. your pretty close, and it wasn't too far off,welcome to gamemaker this is just a work in progress code for my game (by the way, I'm still learning myself, and the extra brackets came from me editing, and forgetting to delete them) it's not exactly noob friendly when you are trying to develop something yourself, and that was written by me, and looking back, there are quite a few things that do nothing It's really only "noob-friendly" with drag and drop or basic gml I'm still trying to learn advanced gml, and I am not quite ready to apply it to my games
  9. once you move out of simple gml codes, it gets really tricky when you start with the advanced if youthink it's so noob-friendly, what do you think this means? [size=1]if not keyboard_check(vk_up)&& not keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_down)&& not keyboard_check(vk_left) { vspeed = 0 hspeed = 0 global.animated=false} if keyboard_check(vk_left)&& keyboard_check(vk_right) { vspeed = 0 hspeed = 0 global.animated=false} if keyboard_check(vk_up)&& keyboard_check(vk_down) { vspeed = 0 hspeed = 0 global.animated=false} if vspeed = 0 && hspeed = 0 && height=obj_waluigi.height {global.move=false} if obj_waluigi.y-y>24{vspeed = 0} if obj_waluigi.y-y<-24{vspeed = 0} if obj_waluigi.x-x>24{hspeed = 0} if obj_waluigi.x-x<-24{hspeed = 0} if global.talk = false { if keyboard_check(vk_up) && not keyboard_check(vk_left)&& not keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_down) //up { {ddirection = 1 global.animated=true script_execute(move_up4) }} if keyboard_check(vk_up) && not keyboard_check(vk_left)&& keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_down) //up right { { {ddirection = 2 global.animated=true script_execute(move_up3) script_execute(move_right3) }}} if not keyboard_check(vk_down) && keyboard_check(vk_right)&& not keyboard_check(vk_up) && not keyboard_check(vk_left) //right { {ddirection = 3 global.animated=true script_execute(move_right4) }} if keyboard_check(vk_down) && not keyboard_check(vk_left)&& keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_up) //down right { { {ddirection = 4 global.animated=true script_execute(move_down3) script_execute(move_right3) }}} if keyboard_check(vk_down) && not keyboard_check(vk_left)&& not keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_up) //down { {ddirection = 5 global.animated=true script_execute(move_down4) }} if keyboard_check(vk_down) && keyboard_check(vk_left)&& not keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_up) //down left { { {ddirection = 6 global.animated=true script_execute(move_down3) script_execute(move_left3) }}} if not keyboard_check(vk_down) && keyboard_check(vk_left)&& not keyboard_check(vk_up) && not keyboard_check(vk_right) //left { {ddirection = 7 global.animated=true script_execute(move_left4) }} if keyboard_check(vk_up) && keyboard_check(vk_left)&& not keyboard_check(vk_right) && not keyboard_check(vk_down) //up left { { {ddirection = 8 global.animated=true script_execute(move_up3) script_execute(move_left3) }}} }[/size] and uses scripts like this(move_up4 in this case) [size=1]if place_free(x,y-4) { move=true if place_meeting(x,y-4,obj_hblock1) && z<16 {exit} if place_meeting(x,y-4,obj_hblock2) && z<32 {exit} if place_meeting(x,y-4,obj_hblock3) && z<48 {exit} if place_meeting(x,y-4,obj_hblock4) && z<64 {exit} {y+=-4}}
  10. yes, one reason i like gamemaker is, as blinx has stated has almost unlimited possibilities It can do 3D, it is great for platformers, it can make pokemon games, speech engines, story games, rpgs, adventure, you name it kind of games if you decide to take the time, and learn about gml(game maker language), functions, and generally about gamemaker, you can do amazing things
  11. I don't really know much about uncommon wii games, but ever heard of 999 for ds? I never actually played, but my sister is currently playing, and said I could after her Its a puzzle game where you get kidnaped, and locked in a replica of the titanic, which is slowly sinking In the game, you have a bomb planted in your stomach, and you have to solve a number of puzzles to find your way out http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fd/999_Cover_Art.jpg
  12. nah, i can barely remember anything of the slightest importance, all I know was there was definately cdi quotes like the king saying "i wonder whats for dinner" for example
  13. does a regular dream full of link cdi faces of evil quotes count? i barely remember it well, but i'm pretty sure there were some
  14. so now that your motivation is back, what do you plan to on the gcn?
  15. are there any other people who use gamemaker?
  16. the same could be said about you you've always been there for the users of the gcn
  17. i don't really see any kind of problem with that everybody has thier moments, it's part of life (i had many slip ups myself DX)
  18. from the time i first came to the gcn, i noticed that you were one of the most kind and helpful of all the staff members you would always take the time to help other members, and show support for many of the projects/activities/etc. that they have made i may not have been here very long, but I honestly don't think there is anything to be sorry about
  19. we are all going to support you on whatever decision you make it's your choice i just hope whichever choice you make, will be a good one for you your awesome nyan, and we are all glad you were a part of the gcn
  20. wouldn't it be "kyrin and connor 64" then if mario and luigi are missing?
  21. there are spoilers, but i'm sure most people arent gonna play ace attorney anyway basically the whole chapter of the case... the end of phoenix wright trials and tribulations
  22. pretty good! i just wish i could make a litle more progress in my game...
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