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Hylian Saiyan

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Everything posted by Hylian Saiyan

  1. Wow, that track really does sound like it belongs to Majora's Mask, it sounds very dark
  2. Black Water Rising - Dance with the Devil http://youtu.be/SA2Py5Au6vY (Pasted from my iPhone... Sorry =) Their album came out today (or should for the US), some good tracks here.
  3. That looks pretty good, is that the entirety or do you plan to expand the field a bit more?
  4. This mod looks very promising, I love the new dungeons and the tainted realm. When you said Link had gained control over his inner darkness, I assumed you meant he could use that power at will - giving him increased strength, etc, kinda like Jak and Daxter's Dark Jak, but a bit more subtle. In any case, it looks wonderful so far!
  5. Personally I'd love to see this mod explain the history of Ikana, that's if it's still related to Majora's Mask. Has anyone read Dathen's article on the history of Majora's Mask? (The mask itself, not the game).
  6. Hope to see some content soon, soundtracks especially!
  7. Yeah I realised this existed a long time before URA was supposedly cancelled. But I only discovered this project just after URA died = It definitely looks like it has potential! I assume you'll be using OOT's game engine
  8. I am definitely looking forward to this! A lot of Projects seem to be rising out of the ashes of URA, and seem to be generating quite a lot of interest too. Will we see the Fierce Diety make a return in this mod, in any way? Back story perhaps?
  9. You're demanding quite a lot from this remake aren't you? =P The addition of more areas/weapons will practically make this an "URA" wind waker, so to speak. I wouldn't be surprised if they gave this game the Master Quest/Hero Mode treatment, given the time frame they had. Wind Waker was horribly easy for such a wonderful game.
  10. If you wanted to create a few chillout tracks you could used various dungeon themes, the Forest Temple for example.
  11. Since I am the curious type I'm going to comment on this thread. There doesn't seem to be a thanks button for the mobile version of this site =
  12. Stay strong man! You'll be just fine. Good to see you're making a recovery
  13. Hey everyone, I joined up to the GCN about a month ago, I've been a bit busy over the past few weeks so I haven't had the time to properly introduce myself. I'm following the URA project quite closely and I guess that's what pushed me to join, I really appreciate what ZethN64 and the team are producing. Anyway, I live in New Zealand (East of Australia, I think) and I'm currently a university student. Cheers!
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