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Posts posted by modman

  1. after following ya'lls advice, i came up with this:

    i'm diggin it, but i did something a little different:
    instead of just inverting a few faces, i inverted all of them. when i inverted only a few, the ones i inverted only showed up on the collision model, so i did all of them instead, and it worked. if i did that for other maps, would it still work?

    (note, i didn't separate the model into separate groups for this, could that effect the collision model as well?)

  2. hi, im getting into the mapping scene for OOT, and ive made a small test map, but my collision model is out of wack and i don't know how to fix it:

    what could be causing this? i had this problem with my room model but i turned off "backface culling" for all the groups and it showed up.. unfortunatly it didn't do the same for the collision model.

    any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

  3. hello. i decided as i brushed up on some of my digital skills (graphic design/modeling/coding etc) i would share a bit of it with you guys! so here we go:

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    if you're interested in the above images, you can use them as desktops by downloading them from my deviant art: http://m0dm4n.deviantart.com/


    3d art:

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    the earth was done from a blenderguru video i watched. i had never done an earth before so i figured id give it a try. (it was difficult too. i couldnt download the provided height map so i had to make my own >:C)


    and the monkey was just a cycles rendering test. i had never done any lighting so i figured id give it a try as well




    well... the only recent thing ive done was a few zelda edits. unfortunatly i dont have pictures let alone any of the code anymore to show you. it was only mere text edits and actor placement changes. i was trying to learn how to do mapping and creating/exporting maps but i'll learn that again when ever i come around to it


    (and sorry that have nothing zelda related to show, thats all on my photobucket and i dont know how to use it anymore)

  4. good evening forum goers,


    as you can probably tell, i'm new to this forum. this seemed like an interesting place, so i'm gonna stick around for a bit and see what goes down.


    i'm very pleased to meet you all.

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