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Setzer Gabbiani

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Setzer Gabbiani last won the day on November 3 2012

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About Setzer Gabbiani

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    United States

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  1. I agree with your point now that I can see the Gohma example. That sounds like it would work out great. Considering I'm going to be working on a horror themed mini-mod sometime, I think that the ambush aspect would be great as well for this. Very smart ideas!
  2. It's just personal taste, but I love seeing the bosses' names pop up, along with their subtitle. Really sets up the mood of the battle with a cutscene as well, as you see them flaunting everything they have, ready to engage you in battle, and sometimes showing off a move or two in the process that they end up using on you during the battle. However, if you can do much more without a cutscene, I would work on implementing those features first, and then once you can put that in properly, begin to find ways to make cutscenes work with those.
  3. We're essentially waiting for Netsrac to get his computer back so he can begin working on things together with myself and Samurai. We're hoping to make a smaller-scale mod that I already have a basic script typed up for before we even continue on this larger project.
  4. Very interesting concept... Would like to see this idea expanded upon.
  5. Well, thanks for the inspiration. Guess I better start this crap soon.
  6. Just realized I still had a creepy picture posted here.
  7. If I may, could I please draw attention to that first post that I made on this page? I'm just a little confused about if you removed that sidequest at that point or not. I take out the broken sword, and it just says that I can't use it there.
  8. Remember old Zelda traditions. Kill all the enemies, try every possible thing in that room.
  9. Hey, I'm actually getting pretty far into the game, however I have a question. I found the Biggoron's Sword by doing the pretty easy sidequest, but when I went to do the trading sequence to see if anything else came of it, Biggoron will not accept the broken sword. Did you remove this part of the game?
  10. Well, I have accepted that Nemu will not work on my computer. However, we stlil have the issue of Hyrule Toolbox closing every single time that I try to click on one of the objects in it, even with a clean ROM. Does anyone know why this happens?
  11. Just found that out. Finished talking to Ruto in there, and I grabbed the Dodongo's Cavern item on my first run there. (Technically both of them, if you count the chest under the big rock in the main room)
  12. So... How often will we need to time travel exactly? I just finished the second dungeon, and with a hint given in-game, it seems like I should be going to the water temple next?
  13. This was a stupid message before I edited it. Pay no attention.
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