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Few Oranges

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About Few Oranges

  • Birthday 11/23/1991

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    United States

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  1. i would like to edit and increase the resolution of the textures (for lack of the correct word) for link's treehouse and the market square, From what i understand they are made up of static images or images that cannot be changed or moved (unless you have certain programs that let you "bend" these so called laws). For example the treehouse as many may know does not actually contain physical objects aside from the jars and i believe the basic prism of the bed, I have acquired the 4 basic images that would allow me to wrap link's treehouse room in a much cleaner and clearer way, my only problem is that i dont know how to locate the images within the game, like i said i don't believe they are textures, and because they are images i know they aren't the physical polys that one could just edit with UOT, i am new to the whole static image and all that jazz so if anyone sees a point that im not understanding or incorrect about please feel free to share the knowledge
  2. Hello everyone my name is few oranges like its stated, ive been an avid retexture/modifier of various games throughout the past 5 years, obviously OOT being the primary focus, and i have actually followed the work of Zeth, spinout and many more as they have progressed from Beta restoration and their various ports across the board, id like to say how awesome it is that all of you are still kickin hard in the community and keepin it together, i appreciate all the work that has been put into the projects over the years, this is one of my first times to actually come out and post (i usually stay behind the scenes due to the ridiculous amount of drama that comes with larger projects..if you know what i mean) but anyways howdy all!
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