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Posts posted by Jabba

  1. I heard Steam Train was already in the works. I think they maybe should have released it before Jon left so people wouldn't make such a hubub about it. Personally, Grumps started getting a bit stale for me, especially when the game would give them an instruction and they were too busy pratting around, ignored it and then spent 10 minutes wondering what to do. I'm happy Jon has gon back to concentrate on his own thing because there is not enough JonTron! I miss Jaque!

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  2. All I've done is step out of Links house and speak to the Kokiri and im already feeling it. The way the text is worded is so in the same vein as the original. Im playing in SixtyForce in Mac os 10.8.3 with default settings and the game ran fine first time.

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  3. I was wondering if its at all possible to use more than three C-button items. For example, if you wanted to have the three items in < v > and have say your slingshot as your b button? 


    The main reason I was thinking about it was because I was wondering if the D pad was usable? My initial idea was thinking about mapping items from the equipment subscreen to it and access them without having to pause the game.


    I have a feeling its probably a hefty task and the answer will be something like "You have to do ASM" lol.



  4. Why can't we have both?If Nintendo doesn't do a big thing at E3, it's only going to make more people think there's only sony, microsoft and pc, that Nintendo is only for kids.


    I disagree. I think its a clever idea. For one, everyone will be watching Nintendo because if they are not going to do something big, what are they going to do? Think about it, both MS and Sony will be unveiling things for their announced but unseen (depending if MS show theirs in May) and the Wii U would have already been out for more than half a year. As long as they show awesome software that the fans are sitting here clamouring for then we will be happy (mostly) they've already announced they will be showing a new Mario, Mario Kart and Smash Bros, so now we just have to see what they are going to top that off with. Also I enjoy Nintendo Direct, because it means I dont have to wait months on end for a big event for them to announce new games. Plus, I'm sure its more cost efficient streaming stuff when they need to instead of setting up a massive keynote.

  5. http://www.gamnesia.com/news/nintendo-wont-hold-a-press-conference-at-e3-2013



    "Unlike previous years, we will not have a large-scale [E3] presentation directed to everyone in the world. Instead, we are planning several smaller events focusing on software for America. Among these hands-on events will be one for American distributors and another for western media.â€


    "In the past we invited reporters, investors and analysts, industry partners, such as software publishers, and distributors who attended E3 to our large-scale presentations. We also used them as a communication tool in which we broadcast our presentations on the Internet to reach out to video game fans around the globe. I believe that many are expecting us to host a similar event this year. On the other hand, since we set out on new endeavors such as Nintendo Direct two years ago in October, we have been paying special attention to the fact that different people demand different types of information from us."

    "For example, as video game fans are looking for information about games, it seems that they are less interested in sales figures that investors and analysts on the other hand attach much greater importance to, and distribution partners are looking for information on how we are going to market our products in the immediate future," he continued. "At previous financial briefing sessions we announced information about our products, showed videos and even uploaded the recording of these events onto our website, but given that we now have an established method such as Nintendo Direct, we feel that we will be able to deliver our messages more appropriately and effectively by doing so individually based on the various needs of different groups of people."

    "At E3 this year, we are not planning to launch new hardware, and our main activity at E3 will be to announce and have people experience our software. Many people are certainly very interested in learning more about the Wii U titles that we are going to announce. We will use E3 as an ideal opportunity to talk in detail mainly about the Wii U titles that we are going to launch this year, and we also plan to make it possible for visitors to try the games immediately. As a brand new challenge, we are working to establish a new presentation style for E3."

    "Also, I did not speak at last year’s presentation, and I am not planning to speak at these events at the E3 show this year either. Apart from these exclusive events for visitors, we are continuing to investigate ways to deliver information about our games directly to our home audience around the time of E3. We will share more information about them once they have officially been decided. During the E3 period, we will utilize our direct communication tools, such as Nintendo Direct, to deliver information to our Japanese audience, including those who are at this financial briefing, mainly focusing on the software that we are going to launch in Japan, and we will take the same approach outside Japan for the overseas fans as well."

  6. I see, I see.


    2) Yeah Im thinking like the dog. The levels would be designed so that the NPC only needs to do that. Like getting them from point A-B.

    Another question I just remembered while playing through Oot. Is it possible to make an enemy explode after you've defeated them, like the same way a bomb explodes?
  7. I had a few more ideas, but sometimes I forget them before I get to the bored, so I just thought I'd ask the rest of questions in one thread instead of a million.


    So, basically, one idea, which maybe doesn't sound as feasible, or well maybe not as simple. Is importing objects and giving them their own waypoints. Like say for example you wanted to import the horse and carriage from MM into OoT (is that even possible?) And give it a waypoint with something like SayakaGL? Would it be possible to do this with an imported obj like a car?


    Posted Image


    Number 2 Is there a way to get an NPC to follow Links path? Say for example inside Jabu Jabu, Ruto follows you instead of being carried. Or even something similar to the Kafei and Link sidequest where you take over the NPC.


    How do you set off certain events to happen for example Kakariko village being on fire or is there another scene that is just Kakariko on fire?


    There were two others that I forgot when I remembered the last two questions, but whatever



  8. Is it possible to remove the pause that happens while pushing the blocks? Its one of the things that always annoyed me, not only was it long and tedious but Link's animation was always constant, he never stopped pushing yet the block would stop moving.

  9. I just thought of a good example actually. When you play as young Link and you take out the Deku stick, he doesn't swipe with it he continues running but then has the stick in his hand. Without replacing the Deku Stick model with a sword, would it not be possible to do something similar with the swords?

  10. Yes, freezing time would be like the time limit repeating over and over to the point where the time is infinite. (Which is what I want.) Although, sidequests with time-related events such as someone saying: "Hey come back tomorrow," would not work since it would be the same day not changing because the time is infinite. And other events like those 5 boys who won't let you pass in Clock Town at the beginning of the game unless you find them before the next morning would actually be easier because you'll have infinite time to find them all. Which actually makes me think, when I test that code posted here, will that still cause day and night to change or would it be daytime the whole time? I'll have to see tonight when I test that code.

    But wouldn't stuff like that work similar to how it did in OoT? For example when you get the egg and it hatches the next morning or when you have to wait 6 days for the Giants knife? Or is MM that different that it wouldnt work?

  11. I havent seen any modifications of the Start menu and was wondering if it was possible? I've seen some of the textures modded but havent seen anything beyond the original grid layout. I was also wondering if you can any additional item slots, say for example adding extra swords, shields and tunics or do you have to sacrifice something for something else?

  12. Was wondering a couple things today after watching some early beta stuff and if they are possible. I know things like the blade beam and the beta jump attack have been done, but was wondering with tools like Hylian Tool if things like being able to sheath your sword and still have your shield out, or being able to run and swing your sword as well as doing both the former while on Epona?

  13. Aaaah ok, that actually makes a lot more sense. Out of curiosity, is this something that would be simplified if it had a software implementation? Not saying it would be easy or something otherwise I'm sure someone (such as yourself Spinout) would have had a crack at it.

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