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Pinkie Pie

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Posts posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. all I know is that I like to watch uncensored DB and DB Z


    Give Dragonball Multiverse a try, like I said, it's a really great fan made sequel to Dragonball Z.

    Don't let the "fan made" part turn you off, because that comic is really well made, at least, that's what a lot of people have said, and that's what I say too.

  2. Might check it out.


    For those GT haters out there, just a note- it's canon. It has the least amount of inconsistencies in the series, Toriyama loves it, and Dragon Ball Online's plot happens years after GT.


    Actually, although you are correct about Toriyama liking GT, Toriyama has also said to disregard GT, and what do you mean it has the least inconsistencies? GT downgraded the characters, and it made the warriors so stupid in battle!





    Dragon Ball Online continues onwards from the manga series and as such ignores the events of Dragon Ball GT and the aspects of the Dragon Ball Z anime that were not in the manga, including the movies.

  3. And how does that last picture relate to anything?

    So the guy is a collector, big deal. Kids now-a-days are not going to turn into that, but rather the people who treat those people like utter hogwash. I thought you would know.


    That last picture is Chris Chan, one of the most notorious idiots on the internet, except for that other guy, I forgot his name, but it was this guy who was obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog, had a diaper fetish, and believed himself to be the epitome of intelligence. Come on, someone help me here, what was his name again?



    Ah! Sonmanic! Now that I think about it, Sonmanic was worse than Chris Chan..

    Actually, both of them are way too horrible, I mean come on, surely the children of today can't be that bad?



    I'm gonna go to a corner now and pray...

  4. Actually that is false. Sagging pants was adopted from the United States prison system where belts are prohibited. Belts are sometimes prohibited to keep prisoners from using them as weapons or in committing suicide by hanging themselves. Contrary to a persistent urban legend, sagging did not originate as a means to advertise an inmate's sexual availability.


    Regardless, it is a very stupid "fashion".

  5. Celebrities:

    Celebrities these days tend to be extremely retarded, the cast of Jersey Shore being an example, but since children don't know that, and since the show glorifies those douche bags, kids learn to be jerks.


    Rap. Rap these days is excessive cussing, it's more about rhyming the word f*ck and sh*t, or anything of a phallic nature. Children, again, take an impression from this, and think that it is cool. They also wear saggy pants, oblivious to the fact that saggy pants were originally founded in prisons as a way to say, "Hey, buttf*ck me!"

    TV shows:

    While there are a decent amount of good shows, there are also many more bad ones, good examples are most of the crap on Cartoon Network, the "teen" shows of Nick, and pretty much all of MTV. All of them tend to teach that b*tchin' about your life is cool, cussing is a great way to show you're mature, and that dreams come true.

    Video Games:

    Call of Duty, and every modern shooter game ever, they start to believe that they know real war, they think that they are tough, and kids become obsessed with the realistic graphics.



    Now, mix all of that crap together, and you get the children of today, who grow into the teenagers of the internet, then the adults of the next day.


    And there you have what's up with kids these days.

  6. I personally prefer Comic book style, I just feel that the artists put a lot more work into it than in manga style. Sure, there aren't as many varying styles, but the comic book style just seems to look better to me, it doesn't look too cartoony, or too cute, it's realistic and really brings out the true potential of bad-ass.


    (Note that I am talking about art styles here and not story, don't bring up story, art style only.)

  7. Why is this person treating vampires as if they are real? If an author wants to make changes to something that doesn't exist I don't see how that's a problem. Hell, she could have just changed the name of the race of both the vampires and the werewolves to something completely different and series would have received half the amount of hate and attention in general.


    It's hated because the changes are so damn stupid and completely irrelevant to the actual myth that makes vampires actually vampires.

  8. it's hardly fair to call out Meyer on these two things when Anne Rice did this well over a decade ago


    The difference between them is that Anne Rice wrote a good book, and Meyer wrote a bad one that appeals only to 40 year old women and stereotypical obnoxious teenage girls.

  9. FPS: Perfect Dark (N64)


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    Goldeneye 007 made completely perfect with freakin' awesome weapons and a bad-ass woman protagonist.


    TPS: Resident Evil 4


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    The only flaw that I found with this game was having to take care of the damn president's daughter... don't game developers know by now that us gamers DON'T like taking care of the weak and helpless in videogames?


    RPG: Augh.. a tie between Oblivion, Fallout 3, Dragon Age Origins, Strange Journey and Chrono Trigger



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    What can I say? Dragon Age Origins has the awesome story and characters, SMT Strange Journey and Chrono have that classic RPG gameplay plus also an awesome story, Fallout 3 has great gameplay, and an amazing world to explore, and so does Oblivion, well, minus the combat in Oblivion, the combat is kinda bleh.


    Action Adventure: Skyward Sword


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    Skyward Sword took everything from every past Zelda game and improved upon it. That's all I need to say.

    It does have some flaws, though, but overall, it's undeniably one of the best games I have ever played.


    2D Game: Metroid Zero Misson and Metroid Fusion


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    If only I could fuse the both of them together to create the perfect Metroid game...


    Brawler: Super Smash Bros Melee





    Smash Bros Melee was amazing when it first came out, it was a huge improvement to it's predecessor, which is why I think it had even more of an impact than Brawl did. To this day, I still play Melee, because not only because I feel that it is a more balanced experience than Brawl, but because it's a classic.


    Survival Horror: Dementium 2




    Easily the most overlooked gem on the DS. Yes, the DS. It isn't as scary as Dead Space, or as other survival horror games, but it makes this list of my favorite games because it still did a good job, and it gets even more praise due to the fact that it's on the DS, a system that doesn't really look scary...


    Racing Game: Mario Kart 64




    Why Mario Kart 64 when the later installments are better? Well, because this game is a classic, plus, I grew up with it.


    Platforming: New Super Mario bros Wii




    I don't play a lot of Mario games, the only Mario games I've played are: Super Mario World, Super Mario bros 3, and Super Mario bros 2 and this one. And after playing those games, I'd have to give it to Super Mario bros Wii, it's really fun, especially when playing with a friend.


    Anime based game: DBZ Ultimate Butouden




    I was going to give this one to Naruto Clash of Ninja 2, but after trying out DBZ Ultimate Butouden, the winner became clear to me.


    Tactical grid based game: Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon




    I've only played about a couple of games that are like this, and since this is the one I remember most, then that means it must've been fun enough to make it on this list.


    Beat em up: Battletoads (SNES)




    I used to have a lot of SNES roms, and most of them were Beat em ups. Battletoads has taken the cake.


    Puzzle game: Tetris




    This one was a no-brainer..



    Typing game: Typing of the Dead




    What better way to teach people how to type than by threatening to chop their heads off?


    Rail Shooter: Sin and Punishment




    After a dilemma of choosing between this game and Star Fox 64, the winner finally came through. Sin and Punishment is one hell of a crazy game, it doesn't have the many routes of Star Fox, but the craziness, the "WTF" factor and the action makes the game an extremely memorable experience.


    And well, those are my favorite games! Might add more to the list if I remember.

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