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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. Those eyes...it is definitely her...ve should take the other one with the red eyes as well, he might be an accomplice.. ---------------------------------------------------------- -Susan looks panicked- "Damn it... I .... hate being locked in places?" -She says in an attempt to come up with an excuse-
  2. -Feldon von Heldrekt, along with the leader, Berrit..or something, watched the security cam as the prisoners were dragged in- "..That..vuman...she is definitely the one I saw..." -Susan avoids eye contact-
  3. -Susan looks at the compound, her eyes became panicked, it was the first place in which she let loose the virus-
  4. -Susan glare worsens, but she does so- -The militia drags them to their base-
  5. -Susan glares- " ..Make me..."
  6. "..Stop pointing that gun at me.."
  7. "If they are military..then let's hope they don't shoot us.."
  8. "My name is Susan...and yep, let's just drive around it, unless you guys actually want to push it out of the way."
  9. "...Can't we just drive around it?"
  10. -Susan jumps out of the car- .... Okay, how do we move this?
  11. Months before: -Susan Fox bowed before her mother, the Demon Queen, Nami. "Mother, I want to go through the Trials of Tenacity again..." "Again?" Says the great queen, "You've failed many times." "I want to try again.." -Nami gives her a sharp look- "Okay then...this time..let's try this a little different.." "Different?" "Yes..this time, you will conquer us a planet.." "A planet? Okay, I am willing to! Gimme some soldiers and I'm on it!" "No..you will do it alone.." "What!? How can I do it alone? I'm not as powerful as you!" "You will do it with this.." -Nami holds out a small bottle- "A bottle?" "Yes, Susan, this bottle is the result of our latest research...you will go to a parallel earth and release this virus upon the humans.." "Virus!?" "Yes, this virus shuts down the brains of humans, leaving only the desire to feed to feed upon others, like wild animals, it takes effect within only an hour." "...You want me to conquer the planet with a zombie invasion? Why can't we just kill them all with weapons?" "The Fomors have requested the Demon Monarch's aide in creating a planet of undead." "..Okay then.. " "We will drop you off soon at that planet, while there, wait about a month before unleashing the virus" "Yes mother.." -Susan continues staring out the window- I should strike soon..
  12. XD I think it's disturbing because these deaths are a sign of failure..plus it's a little kid getting ripped apart.
  13. ..So..uh, anyone willing to color them for me?
  14. -Susan sighs, and continues looking out the window, but she keeps an eye on Abaddon to make sure he didn't notice that she herself had given a glare to Leanne. After all, that would be a sign they had something in common, and Susan didn't want to have anything the same with that monster- All what I can do now is, keep watch on both Leanne and Abaddon...
  15. And now that girl...my plan, is getting more difficult by the minute, I need to kill these people..but how..do I even have the guts? If I don't..the entire plan will be in jeopardy...
  16. -Susan's glowing eyes were not unlike a demon- "Oh..nothing..." -She turns back around-
  17. -Soon both demons, AKA Susan and Abaddon, are giving a death glare to the fainted..uh Tell Tale's char-
  18. -Susan felt her anger slightly rise sensing the light- "So, tell me already, what the hell did you do?"
  19. "So..that light..what was it?"
  20. -Susan hops into the truck- Go GO GO!!
  21. Demonspawn..I've head that before..many times.. "Come on guys, move it! I don't wanna die!"
  22. "I'm fine... we should get going before more come." I just got lucky that cleansing didn't affect me, it could be that my powers weren't active...had it affected me, I would be dead.. I was born a demon after all..a demon..princess
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