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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. -Susan turns away, unable to look at them- That..demon is right..I am a monster.. I ruined many lives..with just one little bottle..
  2. -Susan smiles at the scene- ..It's...too bad..it will have to end..
  3. -Susan quickly wiped off the blood around her mouth.- "Sorry... "
  4. "...Tch.." -Susan continues making the scene gory-
  5. -Susan killed the zombies that were bothering ..uh..Tell Tale's character- "I won't save you a second time.. " -Susan's expression was cold and stern-
  6. -Susan begins stabbing zombies, brutally of course, so brutal it must be CENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSOREDCENSORED- -By the end of the battle, Susan was covered in blood-
  7. -Susan jumps out with a frontflip, and digs the dagger's blade into a zombie-
  8. -Susan takes out a small dagger- "I can't believe the church had a weapon in it.."
  9. -Susan is still incredibly hungry- In her thoughts: 'Ugh..I'm going to have to get away from everyone and find something to eat..' "Hmm? Ah how nice!!"
  10. -Susan seemed to be a bit annoyed by Takashi's insult, "beast"- "ANYWAYS..let's go.."
  11. -Susan glares- "Why? ..You're a demon, you can handle yourself.."
  12. "Well, if he doesn't want to be with us, then let him be, we need to go before zombies arrive.."
  13. ".. I slept for a little while.."
  14. -Susan spent the entire night trying to stop herself from eating her friends- "Ugh..they better get up soon.."
  15. -Susan suddenly feels tempted to bite Takashi's neck and rip it apart- In her mind: 'Ugh..haven't eaten in a while..'
  16. (Wish I could wake up and instantly fall back asleep..)
  17. (Nope..strange thing is he was more active when he was going to school) "...Now..don't talk to me anymore.."
  18. (Oh and irony..Susan is denying she is destroying mankind although she did release the virus)
  19. (A poem by my friend: You're a girl, Why? 'Cuz you're watching a show 'bout ponies, Yeah, you're watchin' a cartoon 'bout ponies. Dunno why, but ya can't look away. Your girly mind is likin' them 'cuties'. You deny you're a girly girl, yeah But you're watchin' some ponies. You squee when your puppy enters the room, and you began to pity a young baby avian, otherwise doomed. You draw demons and death and carnage galore, But no more- because your wallpaper's a pony, you girly girl once more.) "Not much of a discussion..more like you were annoying me.."
  20. -Susan closes her eyes for a second, her fangs retract- "Yes..he was..."
  21. "Silence!" -Susan's fangs grow- "I may have the blood of a monster. but my heart remains with any life that deserves a right to live.."
  22. "Humans are a race...stop talking to me.."
  23. "That is not the type of demon I am...genocide is something I firmly do not believe in.."
  24. "My mother and father..they already did that..I will not become like them.."
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