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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. -Red runs towards Volvagia, dodging with acrobatic swerves- DIE OVERSIZED FIERY SERPENT!
  2. -Susan, with an acrobatic backflip, hops in- "Yay car ride! I've never ridden in something that isn't going to kill me!"
  3. "Hey goddammit watch where you guys are throwing the grenades!"
  4. "Fine by me!" -Susan gets the spork stuck inside of the zombie's eyes- "...Woops"
  5. OMG THAT'S SO KEEEWT SQUEEE~ -Red fangirls over the dragon- .... Uh...no one mention that. EVER. AGAIN.
  6. Meh, you can google it anyways
  7. -Susan continues stabbing the walking dead-
  8. Heard about this before..loooong time ago.
  9. Sure!! -Red unsheathes the fairy sword-
  10. "Woof" -Nintendogs "Woof Woof MEEEOW" -Nintendogs + Cats
  11. "Well, I've got no choic-" -Susan gives another twirl to the spork as she suddenly stabs a zombie sneaking up behind her- "Choice"
  12. You know, I would be much less annoyed if that ignorant comment were to use correct spelling and punctuation. Anyways, back on topic, I have heard of Project Cafe for a while now, but I don't think I can afford any game consoles right now, 1. Because I am not old enough for a job. 2. I already bought a 3DS...or at least am planning to, I already have Street Fighter 3DS. 3. It'll probably cost more than the 3DS, something that I am barely managing to have enough money for. But I am curious to see what this new console would be capable of.. And since I predict it will be launched in about a year, hopefully I'll have the money by then if it seems worthy.
  13. Uuuh don't feel like getting it..you get it
  14. (Even though the dream idea is indeed, cliche, I have to agree, it's not Zelda High School if it doesn't even take place in school)
  15. Oooh you draw really good! I especially like how well you drew the memes..Man I wish I could draw them, but my troll face always ends up trolling me with it's "Haha can't draw, u mad?"
  16. -Red kicks Dark- Hey, get away from my spork!
  17. ..FINE -Red sneaks up on the Beamo, who doesn't notice Red- -Red slowly nears it- -The Beamo looks at Red lazily- -Red raises the spork in a menacing fashion- -ZAP- Didn't work..
  18. (Things have been slowing down lately)
  19. Aand you think I have a spork with me?
  20. (Paid*) Really? I thought jabbing them with a spork would work
  21. Pff a beamo? I'd rather fight a keese!
  22. Yeah yeah I'm fine...what lava pi- -Red finds that his boots are being burned through- Oh...
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