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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. -Red sits back down- Well that worked better than I thought
  2. ..They went that way!! -Red points to another direction-
  3. Swordy: Just kiddin', do ya really think ya little meatbags can fill up a big dragon like me? ....My heart stopped for a moment there.
  4. (It's Descend into the Darkworld, it's in Official RP) Uh, I've heard of that thing, doesn't it eat Gorons? Swordy: Yep What do you eat? Swordy: Humans and Hylians
  5. What are you doing here? Swordy: I wus gonna visit my buddy, Volvagia ... Swordy: He's been acting weird lately.. (Destroyer, check out the RP I made, it has a perfect role for you, you too Hellraiser, check it out)
  6. - A giant dragon's eye looks into the shop - OH HI RED Swordy?
  7. I'll just sit in the Corner O' shame..
  8. (Yeah, I know everything what you mean, in fact I probably know more...or too much. But as Red, I don't) ...I'll just ..sit here
  9. ..Cucco strips? Are you into beastiality or something?
  10. ... I hate you..No..too mainstream.. I indifferent you
  11. ...Sure it will stop my hand from decaying! Give it some time!
  12. ..How.. DARE you underestimate duct tape!!?
  13. I don't need a potion now that I have Bazaar Duct Tape !!!
  14. Screw you guys then...I'll just use the duct tape I have in my satchel.. -Red takes out duct tape from his satchel..and duct tapes his hand back in place-
  15. Yes..because potions can really attach limbs..
  16. La dee daa my hand isn't attached anymore La dee daa
  17. .. I hate you all.. Little boy: .... Old Lady: Hey!! Get back here, ya thieves!
  18. .. Uh...guys.. Little Boy: You sick bastard!
  19. aaannd I can't see em..all I see is : Posted Image
  20. Oh come on...you're challenging an old ladY!? -Red's hand flops over at a peculiar angle- ..... Little Boy: My grandmum was known as Speed Demon in her days..
  21. Old lady: He can eat his internal organs while I forcefeed them to him!! -The old lady starts to swing the blade- Little boy: Grandma!!
  22. Old lady: Gold skullwallas!? Are you here to steal them from me!!? Little boy: You guys HAD to mention that... Old lady: NO ONE STEALS MY SKULLWALLAS! -The old lady readies herself to swing the huge and menacingly dull blade- Eek!! Lady!! Calm down!
  23. Old Lady: THIEVES!! ALL OF YOU!! -She suddenly takes out a menacingly dull blade that's rusted- A little boy suddenly comes running, Grandma!! Grandma!! These people aren't thieves!! There is only one thief and he's bald! None of these people are bald, and I don't think any of them are named Sakon! Old Lady: Why were these whippersnappers on our house, hmm? Stop hitting me, lady!!
  24. Fi-Fine!! -Red jumps down from the house- -An old lady runs out screaming- THIEF! THIEF!! THIEF!! GET HIM!! -The old lady starts hitting Red with an old newspaper- Ow. OW!! HEy lady!! I'm no thief!! Old lady: THIIIIIEEEF I SAW YOU FROM THE WINDOW!
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