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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. ..Or I could've used the trampoline... still, I wanna try out my blade too!!
  2. (Destroyer, check out the RP I made) On the roof, you say!!? Then let's get that eight-legged scourge!! -Red starts to climb the house..don't even ask-
  3. Woman: RAAAAAAAPPPEE HELP ME!! Stop hiding that spider, woman!!
  4. -Nearby, a young woman is dancing wearing a hawaiian dress that is making the exact same sound- It must be under her dress!! GET HER!! -Red tackles the woman- Woman: Eeek!! Get offa me!!
  5. Well curse THEM I can!! -Red breaks free of Vio's grip- With this blade, evil shall be smited!
  6. Huh? Why not!? I will gladly accept any challenge!! -Red waves his sword around in a dramatic-attempt, but cuts off some of Vio's bangs-
  7. They are called Stalchildren? They look nothing like children!! More like bipedal dogs
  8. Any description? Edit: Okay thanks.
  9. So...what will his name be? Edit: Okay, thanks Satoshi.
  10. Story: At the beginning of the 21st century, a sudden massive atomic collapse occurs in the South Pole and causes a space abnormality known as the "Schwarzwelt" (Dark World) which poses an imminent threat for humankind and the Earth, growing at a steady rate and consuming all matter in its path. Concerned with this threat, the United Nations sends a group of researchers from all over the world to investigate the area. A team is sent to Antarctica to investigate the phenomenon, led by Commander Gore. Inside, the investigators quickly find themselves trapped in the Schwarzwelt.. a world of demons.. Based on the Game: Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey This RP will work a bit like the game, using negotiation to get demons to join us, and it will have an alignment system. Okay, before this can start..we need to actually get some people to play some characters; Here is a list of the main characters: Commander Gore (Shade) The humble commander of the team. Main Character The main character will be the soldier who will in the end decide the fate of the world... Neutral Character - Arthur is the Artificial Intelligence unit of the ship, he is very intelligent and is a very advance A.I unit Abaddon(Destroyer) - Before he joined, he had studied the demons and over time became somewhat obsessed with them. Law character - The Law character will also start out as a soldier, but will grow to side with the light Klauss- The mechanic and inventor who builts weapons. (Shade) Chaos representative- Louisa Ferre <Lucifer> She will appear throughout the adventure, trying to guide the hero into the path of Chaos Law representative - Mastema He will appear throughout the adventure, trying to guide the hero into the path of Law These are the major characters, anyone else who wishes to not RP as them can make their own character who will either be a soldier or a medic, no supernatural powers please, you can get them later in the adventure though. Soldiers also get an alignment in the RP, of course it all depends on your actions. When your character starts to shift towards an alignment, then I will tell you and you can change the dialouge of the character to the color of the alignment you are leaning towards to. Soldiers: Susan Fox(Shade) - A young woman who joined the team in hopes of adventure and discovery. Takashi(Hellraiser) Medics: Dareia(TellTale) - A girl that was abused by her parents at a young age, and because of the trauma she chose to become a medic in order to help out. Alice(Hellraiser) Rules: 1. After posting something, wait at least 5 minutes if more than 2 people,besides you, are present. 2. No characters from other video games and media popping out of nowhere.
  11. -Red follows them, looking bored-
  12. Fine..but I want these roses off so it can look more manly..
  13. Yeaaaaaaaaaahh don't remind me of that...
  14. No..no talking swords anymore, Swordy got me in trouble MANY times for trying to flirt with women..and children..
  15. ...Show offs... all I have is some ..fairy sword.. Tch I bet it can't do anythi- -The Fairy Sword FIRES A LAAZOOOOR- O o /¯/___________________________ | BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHRGH!!!!!! \_\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ..I just shat bricks..
  16. Oh, I don't know, maybe they are easier to hit because they are about 5 feet long..
  17. -Red throws a rock at it- Die foul beast!! (Hey guys, since we're here let's talk a bit on the Shoutbox)
  18. Yes! I found a red rupee! -PING-
  19. Hey I know how we can get money! -Red starts cutting grass and money pops out-
  20. ( I know it's big) Well..as long as it slays beasts
  21. Oh..uh..it..has flowers..very..tough looking
  22. (Shame Destroyer...you forgot to add: DA DAA DAAA DAAAA!! ) I got... a pocket knife?
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