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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. ...what the f*ck is happening here? This was sent from a Gameboy. Umad?
  2. SHUSH the CD-I games did not exist... <.< >.> At least we like to think that...
  3. YAY! WOOHOO! GO SKYWARD SWORD! YAY! S-sorry...loo loud? I'm..sorry....
  4. I think you should stick to the 360 if you would rather play online, or to the PS3 if you want single player..if t-that's okay with you... sorry I wish I could help more... I really do...
  5. Um...h-hi..is..it b-bad for m-me to ask, but w-when do you think this will be um..updated? *squeak*
  6. Pinkie Pie

    Dragonzball P

    Not really funny....but somehow leaves me lightheaded.
  7. Pinkie Pie


    Wanna know what happens next?
  8. I can disregard gravity, stretch my limbs, eat a cake in one bite, predict the future, appear out of nowhere, run backwards and still be faster than any pony, and keep up with you just by hopping.
  9. Oh yeah? Well, I can break the fourth wall.
  10. Cooked alive? I'm baking you alive. Wait, no, I'm dismembering you first.
  11. Rainbow Dash...you better give the topic back to me, or I'm gonna have to bake some cupcakes....
  12. Already mentioned this before. Anyways, I'm really liking the new art style for the character designs <3
  13. Now let's all kick-ass and chew bubble gum! Also: edasodjqwoperjkwjdfasl;dfjkwpdokqpdjwoad;jkad'jkqw'odjkwdjk;fjasdkjsad;q[pqwepwoe[a'da and: !eiP ekil I dna ,ssob ni*kcufrehtom a ekil sdrawkcab epyt nac I
  15. The new CoroCoro issue, released this week, has announced that a brand new Pokémon game is to be revealed. However, unlike people expect, this reveal isn't coming at Jump Festa but is in fact coming in the issue of CoroCoro next month, due out on January 14th 2012 in what they call a world first shocking announcement. It's currently unknown what game will be revealed, whether it will be main series or not but we'll provide information a few days before CoroCoro's release. Be sure to watch the site in case it comes early http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml
  16. Bitch, please. Anyways, I personally like the Spanish dub better:
  18. Oh god, this is worse than the 3DS forums...
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