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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. -Red leans on a wall and whistles-
  2. -Red watches, of course making sure not to be noticed-
  3. -Red is still outside- ..Yeaah that was actually my plan too
  4. -Red of course, does not stay behind at all- Yeah yeah I'm ready for whatever is in there!
  5. It's not just an it, it's a he, and he is enrolled here..
  6. When a character with a dark nature refers to another one as "Lord" or "Master" then that usually ends up becoming our worst enemy...got that from movies!! and comics! -Red sheaths his blade- I didn't "sneak" him, okay, he's enrolled in this school
  7. Oh, because he's going to end up being the guy we fight Red's sword: KEEEL!? NO KEEEL!? Shut up, Swordy Red's sword: ...Keel? NO, there won't be any be-heading or "keeling" today...at least not right now Red's sword: ...STFU .. -it stops glowing-
  8. Huh? Shrine where are you guys going? Red's sword: Keel? Keel? No Keel?
  9. Red's sword: Diiiiiistruction!! Yesh yesh yesh!! Keel keel! HHHYAAA!!! but don't hold my hand...
  10. Snozberry!? Aaah so those scoundrels are here too!! Very well then!! Lead me to those bastards! -Red's sword suddenly talks- Yesh Weee shall keel them!! HIP! -Which means: "Alright!" in Link language-
  11. Now...En-garde!! -Red rushes out of the Nurse's office while lifting up a sword in the air in a dramatic way and LIKE A BOSS- -He eventually catches up to the group- So where are these monsters!?
  12. I could've removed them myself YAAAAAAAGH! -Red pulls out the somehow missed syringe - Hah see, it was only mildly painful! -Red's eye slightly tears- ((Out of Characters) So, whatcha guys think of Red?)
  13. Nonsense!! A true warrior goes off even with one heart left! En-garde beasts!!
  14. -Red rushes out of the Nurse's office, with a couple of syringes still in his back- Monsters, you say!!? I will take care of that!!
  15. Yeah yeah, I'm fine..there is just a syringe INSIDE of my body..but besides that I'm fine, anyways, hurry up, I'm going to go and beat up that jerk who called me a twerp..
  16. -Red wakes up- Ugh... by the way, you are stabbing the syringes deeper into my back..
  17. Finally someone replies!! You get plus 100 internetz.
  18. Stop calling me a twerp ya midgit! I swear I will rip your intestine out and use it to hang you on a ceiling fan while I am hitting you with your own spine!! and....bleeh they took effect -Red falls unconcious-
  19. You're telling me to relax when my back has more syringes stabbed into it than spines on a cactus? and I'm not angry, just hot-headed...
  20. Klutz!? Sir, I'll have you know, I was drugged...and...crap..I'm seeing the flying monkeys..again... ugh..screw it..can someone carry me to the damn nurse? -Red's back has multiple syringes stabbed into it-
  21. Shu-...Shaddup! I'm no twerp..is that a challenge?! Then.. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED -he says while posing- Aaannd I think the sedatives are finally working.... -Red faceplants-
  22. Why are you touching me? Is that a challenge!? I will kick your arse so hard you will need to sit with your face!! -Red suddenly stumbles- Ugh...getting my blood pumping really speeds up the sedatives...
  23. Yeah, it's the sedatives, and the fact that I went through rehab to control my hot-headedness..mostly the sedatives.. -Red's eye slightly twitches- By the way, were you always purple?
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