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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. SUSAN THE DEMON PRINCESS!! This diabolical princess lost her memories when the gods killed her parents, the Demon King and Demon Queen, and when they wiped out her memories in hopes of her restoring the apocalyptic world. She was put in a orphanage with human children in a god-protected village, but when her demonic prowess starts coming out of her when a demon manages to enter the village, she is exiled. She then goes off on a journey with a friend eventually finding out about her origins and even reclaiming her kingdom, but the princess has rivals, she eventually is faced in a war against her cousin and a rebellion. In the end she manages to defeat both, regaining her memories back, but because of her experiences, she becomes more than just the demon child of the King and Queen, she becomes the Queen of the recreated world, ruling in the name of peace.
  2. According to multiple reports today, Nintendo will reveal a new console at E3 this coming June. Game Informer first reported that the console is capable of running games at "HD resolutions." Our sources have said the the console is significantly more powerful than the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and that Nintendo's intent is to recapture the hardcore market. Another source said it is capable of 1080p resolutions. Nintendo is reportedly showing the console to publishers to garner interest for a late 2012 launch. Additional sources tell IGN that Nintendo will release a pre-announcement this month with a full reveal expected at E3 and that the console will be backwards compatible with current Wii software. Original Article: http://wii.ign.com/articles/116/1161875p1.html
  3. Title was meant to be: Movies to games that don't suck x.x 3. The Lion King (SNES) The movie is my most favorite childhood movie, the animation and art looked so amazing to me, and the game does a VERY good job of recreating it. The game plays like a Mario game, at least for the cub part of the game, where you jump on enemies to defeat them, or roar to stun them. Of course, like Mario, it is a platform game, so you'll find yourself often jumping around. In the adult lion portion of the game, you are given the ability to slash, and maul enemies, and the enemies are a little tougher, too, no more just simply jumping on them to defeat them, so the Mario feel sorta lessens. My only complaint about this game is the difficulty, it is insanely hard even on Easy Mode, luckily, there is a cheat that lets you choose a level and it gives you invincibility. 2. Madagascar- The Game (Nintendo Gamecube) Madagascar is a content packed game, it's difficulty is fair, the story follows the movie in a slightly more interesting way, and it can get pretty fun. The graphics aren't the best, but hey, in the end it all comes down to the game, which is really fun. The replay value of the game is mostly about the collectibles that you can get, which you can use to unlock pretty fun minigames and cheats; But don't get me wrong, the story mode itself is pretty fun, and some of the parts of the levels are just fun enough to make you go back. 1. Goldeneye 007 (N64) Goldeneye is a no brainer, so far, it's the best movie-to-game I've ever gotten the chance to play. I originally bought the game in a flea market, I was choosing between Ready 2 Rumble and Goldeneye 007, and if it weren't for that Tosh.O episode that I had seen the night before, I wouldn't have gotten Goldeneye. Goldeneye is a fun game to play, and it gets even better when you get 4 players and have a couple of rounds together. Unlike the other 2 games I've mentioned, Goldeneye was (and still is) so good that it has remained in the hearts of everyone over 10 years later.
  4. http://ds.ign.com/articles/116/1161682p1.html More Info ^
  5. "Dodongos dislike smoke" -Old Man, The Legend of Zelda "I am Error" -Error, The Adventure of Link "Do a Barrel Roll!!" -Peppy the Hare, Starfox 64
  6. I actually like it, it has a bit of a charm into it, if you want though, I can try to draw it for you, but coloring is beyond me.
  7. What do you mean it doesn't matter? to an artist every opinion matters!
  8. Try starting with eyes to get an idea of your character, after all, eyes are windows to the soul.
  9. I really like the designs on this character, especially the blades. The poses are alright, the upper body looks a bit stiff though, but the legs look quite good
  10. Hmm okay then, I'll give it a try one of these days, not soon since damn tests are coming x.x and I have a project due on Friday....that I haven't even started on yet...
  11. I've tried it before, but I am not that good at it x.x, strangely though, I used to be a spriter...but unfortunatly I don't have any of my old sprites anymore.... hmm..let me see if I can find any on some random forum...
  12. Zeth's http://www.the-gcn.com/rennaissance.php Djipi's http://www.emutalk.net/threads/31274-Djipi-s-Final-Cel-Zelda-MOD Community Retexture http://www.n64redux.com/content/ocarina-time-community-retexture-project (They haven't updated the screenshots for the recent pack) (Aww what? I can post screenshots of games but not my drawings? >_<) Anyways, which texture pack do you guys prefer? I personally enjoy the Community Retexture best, since it sticks close to the original, and it brings back so many memories, after all, to a 2 year old, Ocarina of Time would've looked exactly like that, plus, it feels more natural and less awkward than the other textures. Link's eyes in Zeth's pack feel out of place along with some of the textures, and Djipi, well, once you get past the "OMG looks like WIND WAKER" part, you kinda don't really like it anymore, since it could've used a better choice for some of it, like he could've used maybe the grass textures in the islands of Phantom Hourglass but on a higher res. See? it would've looked better that way, Hyrule Field looks more like a carpet in the texture pack. In Zeth's pack, well, it's pretty good, but the textures are too muddy and dirty, sure, it's realistic, but the models in the game aren't so they feel out of place. To me, the community retexture did it just right, unfortunatly, it isn't as complete as the other texture packs, but that can be fixed by adding just a folder or two from Zeth's. So which do you guys prefer?
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCjOs4crV7o&feature=related
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f49bra-O-A8
  15. Well, thank you, Nax, I'll post more pics when I get inspired again by my friend again (He's an author, a damn good one too)
  16. Actually, it won't let me, says I am not allowed to use it on this board, could this be a consequence of posting Black Friday?
  17. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=33axgjn&s=7 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=8ze1w2&s=7 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=11i213n&s=7 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=308w3l1&s=7 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=196vx5&s=7 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2dv5ymb&s=7 Dunno how to make the pics appear on the actual board.... UPDATE http://oi54.tinypic.com/2rrrnna.jpg Billie, the GROPING GODDESS Take note that these are not from my imagination, this is a request from mah buddy. Who happens to have a dirty mind.. By the way, she doesn't care if your male or not. http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2zdqdlt&s=7 Another update...my possible avatar..if only I had something other than crayons. UPDATE http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=vp89av&s=7 First handrawn animation, I wish I would've scanned the papers correctly instead of rushing so it wouldn't be so wobbly x.x Anyways she is saying: So, a lot seems to have happened eh?
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0 Prepare to mute.
  19. If you colored it, then that's impressive, well at least for me, I am not good at computer coloring. Pretty decent. hands are okay, head a bit too big, nose a little- Louis-like (From Family Guy).
  20. Is it me, or is EVERYONE trying to do something dark like Majora's Mask? Come on guys, enough with the cliche. But meh, looks good anyways.
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