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Pinkie Pie

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Posts posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. Once again you can compare Melee and Brawl, so their IS a difference, so it certainly IS fact.

    If you have no sense of heart with the difference between young Link and adult Link and wont give a proper reason why, I suggest you play all of the original Zelda games again and really think.


    Okay, it's now just starting to seem that you are trying to shove your opinion up our faces and say that it is a fact.


    Honestly, I do not care if Link is a child or not. He still goes through many great experiences, and he always starts out the game knowing nothing about the world beyond. The age doesn't really matter, it's the experience they go through. Link is a link to the players, and however Link matures or is at the beginning and end of the game, is again, entirely up the player. Because really, he's just a computer generated model, it's up the player's imagination to give him personality, I mean who knows, really?

    When I'm talking to characters, I always imagine myself as Link and of course, make Link think the way I want. I could make him a jerk or a nice guy. He's Link, a link to the players.

    And before you say; "But because he's a child, and because a lot of Zelda players were children when they played, he related to them better."

    Uh, yeah, again, Link to the player, and knowing children, they don't think too much of the age of the protagonist, they think about the experience. When I was a kid playing as adult Link, I didn't really care, all I was thinking was "More adventure!" and just wanted to continue playing. Now that I'm older, I still think the same thing.

    "More adventure!"

  2. Uhm, I think what he meant was since every Toon Link we've seen is a child, he is a kid form of Link, therefore, he is "young Link".


    Also, I am really curious why you're pushing your child immersion theory off as fact, when it is an opinion. :/


    It makes no difference to me how old the character is, and let me tell you something important:

    It's very hard to find signs of a mute maturing, and just because they went off on a big adventure, it doesn't mean they did/will.


    Especially since Link is well..pretty much silent throughout the adventure. Wind Waker Link did change though, but that's pretty much the only Link who matured visibly.
  3. When you play as young Link the world feels like a huge adventure and as you keep on playing you keep on maturing in a spiritual kind of way. You actually feel you have no experience at all when you first play the game, when at the end your a master swordsmen, and it gives off much more story development and awe ness to the character your playing as, as they start growing up. I feel that there's been too much of toon Link and adult Link as now its feeling bland. I would like to see young Link again as pretty much all the games hes been in have been considered some of the best Zelda games created.




    Yeaah I still don't see the age of the hero really making a difference. Link always starts out as a newbie in the beginning of the game, anyways, even if he did have some training, he was always living a quiet life and is suddenly thrown into a huge adventure.
  4. Bleach.

    But to answer the question, Dragonball, simply because I don't like Naruto. I'm a great contributor, aye? As an analogy: Naruto is a child attempts and acts like an adult. Dragonball is a child and acts it's age. A would prefer the debate of Naruto: Shippuden vs Dragonball Z, but that's just my style of amine.


    Uh.. when I said the entire Dragonball series, I meant the entire Naruto series too..
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