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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. Wow, it looks really nice, I wish I could make pictures with that kind of color!
  2. "Yes, you are right.. " -The branch spontaneously combusts- "KILL IT!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!" The tree: "What the hell is wrong with you, lady!!?"
  3. -The tree's voice creaks like wood- "Girl..if you keep..going that direction..you'll end up like..mee" -Susan starts whacking it with a nearby branch- "KILL IT!! KILL IT WITH FIRE!!"
  4. "Huh? Talking trees are normal? Ours usually just eat us!" -The tree keeps yelling out warnings- " "Do not keep moving forward!!"
  5. -The tree's leaves seperate as if it was looking at him- "Turn...back.." -Susan gasps- "OMGWTFBBQ TALKING TREE!"
  7. " .....Fine... " -Susan starts to walk off ahead as if no tree had just crushed her. Suddenly, that same tree wrapped its branches around J'... the lizard guy -
  8. I am using MyGlide64 [WIP] April 4 2011 And although I have Texture tiling checked off, it still does this: Any way to fix this?
  9. "Pff for a girl and a lizardman you guys are weak, my soldiers would've gotten that off under a minute!" -Susan stands up- "SHAME"
  11. "PAAAAIIINNNNN" -Then the same tree that dropped the fruit on Susan falls on her- "MOOAAR PAAAIINN"
  12. "Yeah! You'll be completely saf- " -Susan is hit by a fruit-
  13. Aah dunno, can you gimme a description?
  14. "Try using duct-tape, it always works for me!"
  15. Susan Fox Height: 5'6 Eye Color: Red Hair Color: Black Age: 32 (Appears to be in mid-20's however) The Demon Princess of the Demon Monarch, she is a feisty girl, often picking a fight with many people. She puts up a tough demeanor and often likes to show off, but on the inside she is really a sweet little girl despite being a demon. J'Ram-Ku Eye Color: Emerald Green Age: 20 Race: Argonian Skin/Scale/Whatever color: Green
  16. (It actually wasn't poison...but oh well) "... Daanng girl.. even my blood isn't black, it just glows!"
  17. http://2.media.dorkly.cvcdn.com/50/52/03032670ac5d51ce39ab3136a1c1e765.jpg
  18. -Then Dareia turns purple-
  19. "Heh, good idea, making HER do the tasting.."
  20. "Well, hello then Dareia, and since we are lost something tells me we're gonna have to eat you!"
  21. "Pfff to hell we have an idea who you are, or even care, what we need the most now is to find out where we are!"
  22. "..Sad bunch of people? I'm a princess, ya jerk! I can buy you!" (Ignore people who aren't active in the RP, like Satoshi)
  23. "Tch flatter myself I do not, I just simply state the truth of myself, well, shall we start looking?"
  24. "I need no close range weapon.. I AM a weapon, awesome one, too!"
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