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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. -Susan takes out a gun that looks similar to a pistol- "Don't put that blade away, we might need it in case we run into something."
  2. "Besides Mr. Lizardman, I'm a DEMON princess, not some happy-go-lucky little spoiled princess that goes around singing with birds on her shoulders, hell, I even took over a planet once by unleashing zombies..Fine, we'll stop, let's get going though, I am tired of this scenery.."
  3. ("You have a point?" LMAO XD sounds weird right after Susan says that about the Lizard guy) "Well, we should walk to go find civilization then!"
  4. "I have a prettier face therefore I must be preserved, you on the other hand, look like you would look much better cooked and fried!"
  5. "Road? All I see is some f*cked up forest with the weirdest fruits I have ever seen! I still think we should try MY plan.."
  6. "We kill the lizard guy in hopes that his blood will attract predators!!"
  7. "Well, are you just gonna lean there while we are stuck in some unknown planet?"
  8. "Aaannd I was ignored... Fine then.. "
  9. "And I am Susan Fox, Demon Princess of the Demon Monarchy from Planet Eridanus, the demon nation with the BEST economy ever, and soon to be the largest! We just got another planet the other day!" (That other planet she is referring to is the one from Nation of the Dead RP)
  10. -Susan tilts her head- "You don't know what planet you're from?"
  11. "Esterdragon? Never heard of that place..what planet?"
  12. "We were fighting? and hi, Satoshi, the name's Susan, where did you come from?"
  13. -Susan steps back from Satoshi, ignoring..the lizard guy- "Oh dammit.. did you randomly wake here too?"
  14. "Tch..whatever you damn newt.." -Susan turns away, only to notice that dude with the red coat- "Hey you, are you from here?"
  15. "Fine, go away then.. " -Susan glares- "But you're on your own!"
  16. -Claps for Ganondork- Wooo!! That was epic man!
  17. "Why should I answer that?"
  18. "I have no idea what you just said, but I do know that I don't know what a Dunmer is.."
  19. "I feel comfy here, seems fun"
  20. "...No I'm Susan.." Susan stood up, "And I have no idea where we are."
  21. ....F U F U F U F U F U F U Australia!
  22. A group of misfits have found that they have awaken in a strange world.. RULES 1. No god-mod characters. (As in, no reviving, no complete immunity to everything, no impossible-to-dodge attacks) 2. You can only have up to 2 characters at a time.(Original characters only) 3. Wait a minute if more than 3 people are present. The characters: Susan Fox - The princess of the Demon Monarch. She is a feisty girl, and very strong willed. Her eyes glow red, and her hair is brunette. J'Ram-Ku.- An Argonian, which is a humanoid reptilian, assassin. Satoshi Kura- A red-cloak wearing swordsman from the land of Esterdragon. Dareia- Random girl in a lolita dress who doesn't remember her past. __________________________________________________RP________________________________________________________________ -Susan Fox slowly opens her crimson eyes as she awoke from a sleep she never remembered taking. It took her a moment, but she realized that she was not in her demonic kingdom anymore. - "What the heck? Where am I?" -The world in which she found herself was strange, the sky seemed to have stripes across them, crossing stripes, that gave it a virtual and cryptic feel. She looked around, she was in a forest, and that's all she could tell. The trees looked normal enough, minus the strange fruit growing-
  23. How can you jerks HATE the ponies after one of them just pwned a dragon!? Hell, Fluttershy had a lot more balls than any man right there!
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