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Pinkie Pie

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Everything posted by Pinkie Pie

  1. Of course I'll let ya in, Hellraiser!
  2. (UPDATE: Need another main character since current member inactive)
  3. -Then the world ends and Demon and Fomorians rule the once beutiful earth, The End (Okay, now to Dark World RP)
  4. "I was never interested in ruling...this was all just an errand.." (We should end it soon, I say Susan leaves and the fomorians and demons end up sharing the world laa dee da Then maybe you can finally join my Dark World RP)
  5. -Susan glares- We do not believe in a false prophet such as yours... -suddenly a fleet of ships appeared- (Think: 21st century demons vs 23rd century demons)
  6. "A lord? he is no such thing... I did this for my own reasons, not to serve that false prophet.."
  7. "Pffff I bow to no false prophet, I came here for the rule of my parents, nothing else."
  8. "You expect me to bow to you!?"
  9. -Susan rips the blade out of his face- "I am done...now that there are no survivors..the invasion can begin.."
  10. -Susan's left hellfire blade form into a shield that blocks the bullets, then, in a really swift movement, she uses her right blade to impale Barrit's face-
  11. -The hellfires formed into blades- "Just leave me alone!!" -Susan jumps at Barret-
  12. "Tch since when did you care about me.." -Susan stood up, hellfire formed around her arms- " I can take care of this scum myself.."
  13. -Susan managed to avoid the bullet but it brushed against her side- -Susan fell to her knees- "UGH!" -she glanced at the wound- "..Dipped...in holy water?"
  14. -Susan's demon claws and fangs grow- Don't you dare stop me!! I already been through so much just to get that damn plan to go through for my mother!!
  15. -Susan used her demon strength to fight her way through the zombie horde- Heh..finally.. I lost them.. finally...before I bonded too much..
  16. -Susan looks up- This..is the chance.. I must take it.. -Susan runs to leave the compound-
  17. -Susan slammed a soldier's head INTO a wall, leaving nothing but bloody brain mush and a huge crack on the wall- This feels horribly satisfying.. -She keeps slaughtering soldiers, even those who are running away from her, leaving no one alive. By this time she stopped paying attention to see who was watching her- -Meanwhile Feldon Von Hedrikt kept the security cam on her, slowly gaining proof of her, slowly gaining knowledge, and slowly gaining hatred-
  18. -Susan, knowing no one was watching, grabs the head of a soldier, who was desperatly shooting trying to escape her grip, and slams it on her knee, instantly cracking his head. All she had to do next, is give a demon glare to the other soldiers, who panicked and ran-
  19. -Susan jumps in front of Abaddon, taking bullets. Although they do not penetrate, Susan is still in slight pain, as it could be seen by the twitching of her eye- "Go..save them! Hurry!"
  20. "I can take the armed soldiers...I still have demon powers..I am can de-activate and activate all of mine completely at will.." I never liked killing live humans...
  21. -Susan stands up- "I'm not leaving my friends here...."
  22. "...No..." -Feldon von Heldrekt menacingly hangs the small bottle over Susan's head- "No..." -A small drop hits her head, she winces in pain- "NO!" ( I dunno why, but I like writing Feldon von Heldrekt's full name..)
  23. -Susan looks even more panicked- No.. I must escape now!! -Feldon von Heldrekt gives her a cold glare- Ve saw you in that surveillance cam..Ve thought you vere just some vuman..but it turns out, you, you ended up costing humanity everything...what are your intentions? "I do not know what you are talking about.." Don't lie to me Vuman! -Feldon takes out a bottle of holy water- "How..how did..you?" Don't think I do not recognize the eyes of the heir of the Demon Monarch..
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