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Everything posted by Librarian

  1. "i am 14 years old which i will get sh** for" My friend, you overestimate the age of a lot of the people here. As long as you stay mature and don't act like a child no one will notice. Anyway, It's great to see more projects like this. Keeps the communities blood flowing. Also, there's an introductions sections, you might want to visit it. Really, this community is not like the rest of the Internet, you're safe here. The worst flame war I've seen was over trailer 3, but, that's another story. Enjoy your stay.
  2. How would that even apply to a lot of us if the story is top secret. The only thing I know of this project is that there's a guy, who wears a mask, and some flames, lol.
  3. Here's an apostrophe and capital letter, ' A. I'm sure you'll put it to good use. You could do with a profile pic too.;)Love to see where this mod is going, looks like you have some skill.
  4. As I said, someone could write a script that only has to include changes as big as redisigned caves/dungeons/houses, some changed speech, maybe something similar to Zelda's birthday. Then, when a resource is needed, be it, a map/character model or new music, the community would create submissions, then the best one could be included in the mod.
  5. Argh! I'd love to help but as I said in another post, I have no computer.
  6. Someone could write a script, then when a model/map/etc. is needed, we could have multiple people make it, then choose the best one.
  7. Erm, ok... Well, It'd have to be very well organized.
  8. Exactly, Nintendo needs to do something big to show their still in the competition, and that they never actually left, having a underpowered console dosen't mean you've failed. Give 'em a right ol' slap in the face. Pasting a modern graphics engine over your game is a lot cheaper than making a fun well polished game. You poor, poor guy, my condolences to you.
  9. I mean, some people have this idea that Nintendo will fade out soon because the Wii was such a huge failure /sarcasm, and this will only support their idea. I'm talking, of course, about the CoD Kids Ps. Don't take these posts too seriously, I just think Nintendo needs to do something big to show they are still here, to show graphics mean nothing when extremely polished gameplay is involved.
  10. As I said before, this will only support the casualcodkididiots idea that Nintendo is only for kids and can't compete with the 'best' eg. Micro$oft and Sony. Also, there's some mighty flawed logic right there, how will people become aware about 3ds/wiiu games if they don't have a 3ds/wiiu, if you had one chances are you'd already know about them. :/
  11. Why can't we have both? If Nintendo doesn't do a big thing at E3, it's only going to make more people think there's only sony, microsoft and pc, that Nintendo is only for kids.
  12. My young billy loved collecting video games, he said this one was his favourite, said it was worth a lot of money. He must have forgot it when he moved. If you sweep my porch, I'll give it to you for free.
  13. P64? Is that a typo or...Also, there are a lot of smilies on this thread.
  14. Seems legit. I'm not kidding, look at his other stuff, he must be rich. 1. Purchase super rare game from nice old lady for $2 2. Sell said game for $700 3. Profit
  15. Why, what on earth are you talking about?...*wink*
  16. Maybe you're a noob *dramatic music*
  17. This thread is moving way too fast for my poor wittle ipod, I can't keep up. By the time I've finished typing my message, you're all talking about something else. My thumb hurts. I'm going to bed.
  18. Shudup, shudup all of you! Ahem, sorry 'bout that. Giadrosich, I'm guessing you didn't like the noob friendly aspects of Skyward Sward.
  19. Allright, so we can move on from the annoying aspects of BOTH of them, VERY GOOD I prefer Navi's childlike personality, and Branden prefers Fi's awkard, kinda, funny, robotic personality.
  20. If in ten years we start seeing parodies of how annoying Fi is, just like we see now with Navi, I will not be in the group that laughs at them. Allright, so we can move on from the annoying aspects of BOTH of them, good. I'll begin... Who's Branden?
  21. Sorry if I came off as persistant, thought you had forgot/ignored the question. I was fine with Fi's robotic personality, because that was her personality, she was a pre-programmed gift from Hylia to be a guide, nothing more. Clearly she became more than that, I just never noticed it untill the end, by then I had no time to like her myself. I find her annoying for the same reasons as Giadrosich, for constantly interupting you, Navi may have done that, but mainly in the first few temples. I dont need to know that my hearts are low, Every, Single, Time. I'm trying my hardest not to sound rude, because I'm not, I respect your decision in prefering Fi.
  22. While recently playing OoT, I noticed that Navi is nowhere near as robotic as some make her out to be. She's very childlike, and doesn't really directly tell you what to do, like when she says "I wonder what saria would say about you be..." subtly hinting for you to go see saria. Navi = childhood companion Fi = Pre-programed gift from Hylia Ps. I'll ask again, at what point did you notice Fi becoming less robotic. PPs. Master the batteries in your wii remote are nearly de-flipping-pleted!
  23. Moving on... I also wanted to know when you saw Fi's personality change throughout the game, because for me, personally, I didn't notice it. So I felt nothing when she said something like 'Master, I, love you.' at the end. I'll have to side with Navi here, if only because I'm sick of people saying 'Oh you played Ocarina of time, that Navi sure is annoying, right, Right?' and the hundreds of parodies of her. When I first played OoT I found Navi to be very helpful, like near the begining, where she tells you to go back to saria so you can learn Saria's song, I remember first playing it, I had no idea what to do untill she told me. So, yeah.
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