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ManInYellowHat last won the day on June 23 2013

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  1. It's pretty obvious this is satire. It's making fun of how people obviously lie about finding "beta", and even "alpha" content/ROMs.
  2. Make sure the .obj and .mtl are in the same folder. Also, the path to Hylian Toolbox, .zmaps/.zscenes, and .obj/.mtl should have no spaces in it. Try again it shouldn't crash anymore.
  3. Just a question, why is everyone saying URA? It's Ura. It's not an acronym, it's a Japanese word. It literally means "back again," or "another."
  4. You guys should just make a list of everything you saw in development/mapped out. I kinda want to know exactly what was done, and what wasn't even started.
  5. Shit man, that's cool. Now all you need is a big open desert plain on the other side, which has like a quest to open up part of the mountain and get into the temple.
  6. Here's a more defined logo that'll look better in-game:
  7. Looking at it, it would seem as if you have "2d296b4192.f.png2d296b4192.f.png" as your image. Might want to fix that?
  8. Oh...WOW. I love that map design! However, I think the Deku Tree should have a smoother wood texture, and the same texture for the mustache, just darker. Right now it looks like stone.
  9. Textures might need some tweaking but oh boy...that...that's something.
  10. He's ALWAYS shown those signs. Quite frankly, Zeth is an asshole.
  11. Hmm...well, I know there's a big stigma about this URA Zelda stuff, but I guess I could talk a bit about Zeth himself. Let's start, shall we? The farthest back I can remember about Zeth is probably back around 2009, when Team Beta Triforce was still going strong. He had told people about a Nintendo of Japan representative telling him the story of the OoT Beta, "Zelda 64". Of course, it wasn't real, it was just a shitty version of A Link to the Past's story. He told people it was a fake pretty soon after, though...so I guess he was a bit better back then. Eventually he matured---er, well, GREW into a sniveling asshat, to put it blatantly. He had shown that his ego was over-inflated multiple times, and had managed to piss of a large group of people. Then after TBT fell, there came Forbidden Legends. I was in that group, actually. To be honest, it really didn't have much done. It had...some stuff. We had a public FTP so people could see our progress, but it also wasn't exclusive to progress related material. A big mistake, apparently, as Zeth hated all the people in that group. Including me. A couple days later and unrelated materials/screenshots had been posted to The Stone Tower forums, in which Zeth commentated with his gigantic ego. Yet, why did he do it? Why did he hate us? ...lol, I don't fucking know. Probably just to make his project seem bigger. Oh yeah! I think it was around that time that Zeth and his...groooup (maybe?) started the URA Project, which admittedly was more like the real Ura back then than the project would ever become. Meanwhile, tons of shit including Flotonic, Vex, Matthew (what did he go by... ZX3A? Something like that. XZ33?), apparently spinout, and probably a ton of people that I'm forgetting, was going on. Funny, actually, my attitude towards the "community" shifted a lot during that time because I realized how people acted...well, to sugar-coat the reality of it all, people in the scene don't exactly have the greatest foresight. Anyway, back to Zeth. When the whole Trailer 3 thing had started, it become SUPER apparent that Zeth was lying...to me, at least. Finally, all this URA Project failure and Zeth getting banned stuff happened. It was inevitable. Just...prolonged for farther than I had originally expected. So there you go. That's all.
  12. Even without things added...oh wow. That's...that is cool.
  13. COOL! Do you have any links to the Mario 64 voices? It'd be really helpful.
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