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Everything posted by PJC92

  1. Thanks guys, glad you all like it. More screenshots to come next week.
  2. More Screenshots: What do you guys think?
  3. New Screenshots: Tell me what you guys think.
  4. Welcome to the GCN, DarkLink1996.
  5. the new trailer is up: enjoy and tell me what you guys think. Also there an annotation in the video that you might have to pause for to read whole thing.
  6. Update: What do you guys think? Also I will make and release a new trailer later this week or next weekend.
  7. It's basically gonna be like how OoT would look if it had SS like graphics but with some Beta OoT elements in there as well. So in a way, it would probably be better and at the same time just as good.
  8. Well I really actually haven't started retexturing the temples quite yet but I do plan on get the temples retextured at some point. So once I get a temple retexured That's when I'll post better looks at Link in the temples. For right now I'm more focused on retexturing some of the easier stuff for me like more Icon textures for Link's inventory, Boss textures, Enemy textures, NPC textures, etc. I'll get to the temples at some point so don't worry.
  9. Yep, I added the triforce symbol in hud like that cause I thought it would look cool.
  10. Another Quick Update: Tell me what you guys think. Edit: More new screenshots in first post. Also I think it's safe to say that I might make a new trailer soon.
  11. Quick Update: Tell me what you people think. Yes I'm still working on this mod.
  12. That's cool. Can you send me the patch through PM so I can add it to the pack?
  13. Hey, just wondering, is this project still being worked on? I'm just curious and concerned cause it's been awhile and I really like this project.
  14. I found out what the word I got as result of translating the word 'another' from English to Japanese is. The word is 'betsu'. So this stuff is at least approximately an estimate of 90% legit. Oh and also I discovered that another Japanese word for 'back' is 'Modoru'. Google searched it and used Google Translate. Also the word 'ura' was used as a Japanese word for other side, under side, back side, reverse side, or wrong side. Plus the word 'ura' was also used as a battle cry during the middle ages.
  15. Today, I messing with Google Translate and stumbled upon something that made me scratch my head (in other words confused me). I tried translating the word 'another' from English to Japanese and got in result a word never heard of before. I knew the word wasn't 'ura' after listening to how it sounded. So then I tried translating the word 'ura' from Japanese to English and got in result the word 'back'. Dun dun dun . If you don't believe me, go try it yourself: http://translate.google.com/
  16. Don't worry, this project will not be abandoned. I've been interested in this project since I came up with it in 2010. I was going to post about this project on here much earlier on in either 2010 or 2011 but didn't really get a chance to until just recently. It was a good thing I waited til just recently cause I currently have much more better ideas for it than I originally had.
  17. Introduction/Description Hey everyone, welcome to the topic for my first original concept project called "The Knights of Courage". "The Knights of Courage" is an Rpg game being developed by me using RPG Maker XP. I've been working on it since July 2010. Status info So far I'm only on the first dungeon. I haven't really been getting much work done on the game itself lately cause of stuff interfering like other projects, real life stuff, and coming up with ideas for this game. The only original content in the game itself so far is a title screen. So I won't be posting any screenshots or trailers until I have enough original stuff in there. Characters Paucen Age: 12 Gender: Male Race: Howltrian Alignment: Good Description: Paucen is one of the main characters and the main hero in the game. He is a strong young boy who wishes grow up to be a "Knight of Courage" like his dad used to be before he retired. Paucen has many friends in the village he lives in including his best friend, Airia. He starts off wimpy but learns to grow and become more brave and courageous as he embarks on an epic journey. Carcen Age: 52 Gender: Male Race: Howltrian Alignment: Good Description: Carcen is Paucen's father. Long ago, when he was young, he was one of the Knights of Courage before Paucen's generation. He fought bravely against many evils including an evil dark lord named "Demian Kahn". Eventually, he retired sometime after Paucen's mother died. Of course, to prevent Paucen from living a life of sadness and depression, he kept it a secret to him until he was old enough to understand. Terray Age: 14 Gender: Male Race: Howltrian Alignment: Good Description: Terray is one of Paucen's cousins. His father was an ally with the Knights of Courage at one time til he retired and became a hunter. Terray eventually became a hunter also. It is unknown what happened to his father but he believes he is out there somewhere. Airia Age: 12 Gender: Female Race: Howltrian Alignment: Good Description: Airia is Paucen's best friend. She is the same age level as Paucen. Her and Paucen knew each other since they were younger kids. She is a sweet, kind, caring young girl. Her parents died years ago and lives in the orphanage in the village. It is currently unknown how her parents died. Gloreia Age: 10 - 12 (not sure yet) Gender: Female Race: Luxterian Alignment: Good Description: Gloreia is the princess of the kingdom known as "Luxtera". Luxtera is the kingdom where the Knights of Courage were first originally formed and the land that they promised to protect at all costs. Gloreia is a nice, peaceful, rich, kind, pure, gentle, intelligent young girl. Gloreia is also one the "Maidens of Wisdom". Demian Kahn Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race: Unknown Alignment: Evil Description: Demian Kahn is the main villain in the game. He is very psychotic and craves to consume everything. He is a "Dark Lord of Hatred". Story The story starts off with Paucen living with his father, Carcen in a village known as "Howltree". The day comes when Paucen must go hunting with his cousin Terray. They came across a strange forest wolf. The forest wolf transformed into a monstrous Howlfiend. The Howlfiend is species of Wolffiend that only breed in Howltree. After defeating the Howlfiend, Paucen and Terray returned home to tell the news to Paucen's father, Carcen. Carcen reveals more of the story of his battles against Demian Kahn. He then tells Paucen to go look for the elemental diamonds and that's where the journey begins. Artwork Feedback Well anyways, what do you people think? Also if any of you want to help with the development this project, feel free to ask me and I'll add you to the team for this project.
  18. @Everyone: I'm putting this texture mod on hold for now cause barely anyone seems to interested in it at the moment. Development of this mod might proceed later on depending on certain circumstances. Until then, I have an original project that I'm working on that I would like to announce here in a topic I will post under "Community Projects". I think you people will really like it, maybe even more than Ocarina of Skyward.
  19. Not much of the HUD is done but you can do it if want just be sure to PM me the textures when they're done so that I can add them to the pack.
  20. I named it Ocarina of Skyward cause it was supposed to be about the origin of the Ocarina of Time but now it's just texture mod. Although I'm still keeping for it so that is sounds cool as a Skyward Sword Texture mod for OoT. Plus since I'm still making textures for it that would of been used for Ocarina of Skyward. @Everyone: I'm comfirming that Ocarina of Skyward will from here on now be community Retexture Mod. So if any of you are interested in making Skyward Sword textures for OoT, feel free post about it here and/or start your own topic about it, whatever like. I of course will still post about the Skyward Sword/Ocarina of Skyward textures I make here.
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