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Everything posted by PJC92

  1. Alright. Is it okay if I add you as part of the team for the mod?
  2. Well, you could mod Link to shape him more like Skyward Sword Link for now.
  3. That is an ocarina pedestal which will later be replaced with an actual warp pad. Anyways I'm glad like you the mod. Would you like to help with the mod? I'm looking for at least one or two more people to join the team. OFF TOPIC: I saw that you finished your mod. Excellent work. I'll try it out soon.
  4. Hey everyone. I've started up a modification topic for my mod, Ocarina of Skyward since I have revealed and confirmed in my first trailer that the project is both a texture mod for OoT and Debug Rom and a modification mod for debug rom only. So far for Debug rom mod part I have only made a simple modification to a copy of the debug rom to show an example of what I want the mod to be like for the actual patch for the mod. Yes the textures will come exclusively specifically for the mod eventually. Especially when it is finished which won't be until like 2014-ish at least. Yes this means, it'll be an almost full out mod. Anyways, like with the other topic, if anyone would like to help, feel free to ask. Ocarina of Skyward mod Team: PJC92(me) - Retexturer, Simple Modifier Satoshi Kura - Retexturer Alphaheiti - Retexturer, Modifier Screenshots: * Coming Soon! Packs: * None yet
  5. I'm officially back in action now. I know it's day early but I just couldn't wait any longer. Also first trailer:
  6. Looks awesome. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/confused.gif Keep up the good work.
  7. Looking better and better! Keep up the good work! http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/confused.gif
  8. No problem. You should check out my mod, it's awesome. Anyways keep up the good work with your mod, I'm looking forward to seeing it finished. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/confused.gif
  9. Nice work, Alphaheiti. Keep up the good work. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/confused.gif
  10. Thanks, Zeth. I might be stepping back into action with the mod sometime next week. Edit: I will return into action on Monday. Also to make up for things, I'll make and post a quick teaser of what to expect of the mod eventually. Edit2: The first trailer up and run on youtube. I posted the video on the first post, check it out. Also, I'm officially back in action now. I know it's day early but I just couldn't wait any longer. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/teehee.gif
  11. Forgive me for me for saying that part of what I said, I didn't mean it that way, you guys have givin me alot support and I'm truly thankful for that but I really do need a break or at least to take it easy a little for while cause I have so much things going on with me lately. I'm sorry if I worried alot of people.
  12. I hate to say this guys, but I need a break from this mod, I'm not liking how things have been going for me lately. The mod doesn't feel as fun to work on at the moment than it did when I started on it. Mainly cause I feel worried that I'm losing support for the mod and that it may not make it. However that doesn't mean I'm giving up on it, it doesn't mean that at all. It's just that I don't feel that interested in it at the moment. Also I will still keep the mod alive for the other members of the team for the mod to work on more of it when they can. Also if anyone else would like to help with the mod please feel to ask me and I'll add ya on the team. Enough said for now. Edit: I'll be in action on Monday.
  13. They're already set up like that. Thanks for the idea anyways. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/teehee.gif
  14. Nice job. Thanks, they work great. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/teehee.gif
  15. Looks nice. I guess you should set them for both for now.
  16. Alright. Send me some of your work for the mod when you're ready. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif
  17. Awesome. Nice work, Shade. http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif
  18. LOL! http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif
  19. Thanks Satoshi! http://core.the-gcn.com/public/style_emoticons/default/thumbsup.gif And yes, I do need help with Link's face, I'm not that great and doing the faces, especially the animation part. Anyways Is it okay if add you to the team list as part of the team?
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