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Everything posted by PJC92

  1. Mod is lookin better and better. keep up the good work.
  2. I like how the swords look so far. Nice job, keep up the good work.
  3. This sounds like a cool mod. lol Project64 does sometimes seem to enjoy being retarded with it's ever annoying errors.
  4. I know I need work more on sword icon but it's the best I got for now. Plus to mention the fact of how hard it is work with such a small texture. Anyways glad you're liking it.
  5. Update: Gohma Sword Update Deku Baba That's it for now. What do you guys think?
  6. Yes! They're continuing the MegaMan Legends series. I used to play the N64 version of the first one when I was young, it was an awesome game. Never played the second though.
  7. Nice work Zeth. Keep up the good work.
  8. Thanks Sanguinetti. I've seen your mods, you've done a great job so far. --------------------------------- To everyone: if any of you would like help with the pack, please feel free to say so. Edit: updated first post. check it out.
  9. Thanks Zeth. I tried to make a texture for the back of the shield but the I made doesn't seem to load up in the game with the plugin I'm using cause the better quality plugins like Aristotle's doesn't seem to be working right for some reason.
  10. I downloaded the program. It works great but how do you add/replace actors?
  11. Is this better? Tell me what you think? Anyways, thanks for the help guys. Also I edited the first post. Check it out and tell what you guys think.
  12. I do on my computer but not online though. How do I post them in high res?
  13. Hey everyone, This a new texture mod I'm working on. So far I'm only on Link(obviously since he is the main character). No, I don't plan on making a full out pack of textures. My focus for the pack is Link, some of the enemies, characters, terrain, interior(including dungeons), and of course the HUD/Interface(whatever you want to call it). I any of you would like to help with this pack, feel free to ask me and show me what you can do for the pack I'll add you to the team for this pack. Update: This mod is confirmed to become a retexture only mod and will no longer be using a patch as for the patched game mod has be canceled. I will only focus on textures for this mod. Update 2: The development of this mod is officially returned. However, it's still a texture pack only mod. Although, if any of you are willing help me, I would be glad to add you in/back in the team. Maybe, if the development of this mod flows better this time, I might consider bringing back the patch part of this mod back from the dead. Screenshots: Trailers: Packs: *Coming Soon*
  14. Um didn't Iwata just say that there isn't going to be a Wii 2 anytime soon and they haven't even started working on a Wii 2, they're still planning ideas for it?
  15. Tried it and it still doesn't work. One problem I seem to have is that the emulator doesn't seem to find one of the things needed for the plugin to work normally. I can game runs fine with the plugin, especially when using direct x but when I load up a file in the game or load state, that's when the emulator crashes. Edit: I tried downloading a new emulator to see if that would work and did so yeah, it's working now so far. Edit 2: It works but still trying to solve the problem with running it with textures cause with textures it still crashes. This is really starting to frustrate me. I really some serious help here.
  16. PJC92


    Thanks guys, I feel glad to be back.
  17. I don't know the information about my graphics card or at least I don't know how to look at it. Also I don't know you mean by update the plugin. I tried the 1964 one but it couldn't find it. I use the Direct X setting for my plugins.
  18. Wow, you are much better at making hi-res beta textures than I am.
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