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Everything posted by Jotokun

  1. So... its not always online, but if its not connected at least once a day it'll refuse to work... http://kotaku.com/xbox-one-does-require-internet-connection-cant-play-o-509164109 Between this, the so-called optional (to developers) cloud processing and the used game fee, the worst part is this console will probably be completely unplayable within 5-10 years of its replacement. Those servers wont be running forever. Dead on arrival.
  2. Multiple monitors (surround/eyefinity/softTH). You haven't truly played an Elder Scrolls game until you've done so across three displays. That said, gameplay wise there's not a whole lot different. PCs are actually a bit disadvantaged on higher profile stuff since many companies target the 360 and then port back to the PC. Ultimately, use what you prefer.
  3. What kind of games do you like? Any particular gameplay genres or themes/atmospheric feel? That might make it easier to give recommendations.
  4. Jotokun

    Missing d3dx9_34.dll

    For whatever reason, Microsoft doesn't include full directX with windows. If you want to use a directX reliant application, you still need to install it. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35
  5. No, no, no. You have it backwards, the Great Deku Tree murders and hollows out the corpses of the korkiri who ask too many questions. Why do you think the korkiri "never grow up"? If the moon is made of cheese... does that mean the sun is made of ice cream?
  6. I Reddit, copy/pasted this to a thread in r/battlestations that was of a videogame screenshot of a computer setup (instead of a real one) before reporting it. Pictures of battlestations only - no memes and no videos. Questions belong in /r/AskBattlestations. Your battlestations only - you must own it or use it! If asked for proof, you should provide.
  7. No, its the gold one. I wish it were the grey, but its still rarer than the normal Majora's Mask cart. As far as I can tell the content is identical to the retail release, the only difference I see is the sticker.
  8. When I bought my copy of Majora's Mask secondhand from Gamestop, I was really bummed out because it didn't have the holographic label that moved as you tilted the cartridge. If I realized what that "NOT FOR RESALE" notice on the label meant (Even if it was the more common Gold version sent to reviewers, and not the much rarer grey demo version found in kiosks) perhaps I would have been far more careful with it. Being a kid when I got it, the cart's seem more than its fair share of abuse.
  9. I'm still team Navi, but since my only problem with Fi was her pointing out solutions to puzzles and describing obvious things (ex. explaining a new weapon right after a textbox already had) I figure I'll play devi's advocate here... Fi definitely had a more pronounced personality. I can see why the percentage thing may have annoyed some people, but it made her far more memorable. I honestly couldn't quote Navi because of how relatively simple her dialogue was. Consider, for example, enemy descriptions, as Navi would only give a sentence or two on each enemy. Fi, however, was like a walking encyclopedia more detailed descriptions for each variant of each enemy. From that perspective, Fi was a much more helpful partner than Navi ever was. Compare Navi's Stalfos text With Fi's
  10. Definitely puzzles. Mainly because its very difficult to have a monster that is genuinely hard aside from bumping up the health/damage. To me, difficulty must be dictated by skill and not persistance. For the same reason, I'd consider a puzzle on a short timer to be a bad puzzle. The best puzzles are simple ones that are very easy to overcomplicate. A good example is in the third dungeon of Link's Awakening, where to open a locked door you have to throw a pot at it. Such a thing wouldn't occurs to most players, but they'd end up doing that eventually out of sheer frustration. Genuinely difficult ones are also good. Again from LA, there was one where you had to kill the monsters in a certain room in the right order, or a key wouldn't appear. Perhaps have a puzzle where you specifically must kill monsters in a certain way, or have to use your items in somewhat unorthodox ways (ex. melting a block of ice by hookshottting yourself through a flame, before you have access to a bow. As you pass over the block, your burning body would melt it.). Basically, think outside the box. Dont go for puzzles with obvious solutions.
  11. I never understood why people called Navi annoying, its not like she "spoke" that often. At the very least, it seems odd that those who complain about Navi dont do so for Tatl as well, considering they tried getting your attention at the same rate. Fi... well, I think I know my hearts are low from the meter in the corner, from the beeping and from Link's panting. I dont need another reminder. I also prefer finding things on my own, so forcing the dousing mechanic doesn't earn points. I can forgive that one as more of a poor gameplay mechanic, but I can't ignore her captain obvious tendencies. I prefer partners who take a more hands-off approach, so I have to say Navi.
  12. Majora being female is a pretty well accepted in the fandom and is even used as the basis for some amazing theories like this one. Its not just the voice, Majora's Wrath has a feminine look to it given how the mask is positioned and the ovaries on its texture. Its kinda blatant that if it has a gender, its female.
  13. Actually... its not a Twili neck. One of my biggest gripes with the end of TP was that Midna's final form has little in common with what most Twili look like. Although, now that I think about it the same could be said for Zant so who knows? My memory may be a bit hazy since its been a while since I played TP, but when you go to the Palace of Twilight, you got a chance to see what normal Twili looked like. Something like this: Medli, on the other hand, is consistant with the appearance of other Rito. With that said, my opinion is based on personality, not appearances. Even if she were more consistant, I'd still vote Medli.
  14. Medli. First impressions are lasting ones, and Midna doesn't exactly make the best first impression in-universe (although I'll admit as a character she was much more defined than Medli, but I attribute that to screen time). Medli was nothing but helpful.
  15. To clarify, I didn't mean I expect a PC experience from a console, just that if they're running near off-the-shelf hardware and x86 cpus then what's the point? My mention of the PC was merely that since most people dont have gimmick hardware and the platform is much more open, its not likely that the majority of games would require something pointless (for most games) like the kinect or wiimote. For the most part, its wait and see. Just too many unknowns at this point for pretty much every player in the game. These leaks suggest terrible ideas in the MIcrosoft camp, Sony doesn't have the greatest track record in my book and Nintendo still appears to lack that vital 3rd party support (and once again very well might continue to lack it due to being underpowered next to its soon-to-be competition. Not saying in and of itself that "lesser" hardware is bad).
  16. Just like the PS4, a watered down PC... $20 someone gets PS4 or Durango games running on generic PCs within a year of launch. Kinda sad this is the future of console gaming, but at least the PC is here to stay. Aiming for the lowest common denominator will ensure gimmicks dont ruin the platform.
  17. The name rings a bell, at the very least. Surprised this hasn't come up yet:
  18. Jotokun

    This or That?

    Books. There's only so much you can fit in 2-4 hours. Go back in time, or go forward in time?
  19. Haven't experienced it (mine too is a misspelling, although in my case an unintentional one that stuck), but I have found someone with a name very similar. It was notable to me because a few other members of that site actually PM'd me asking me to make a small change that would make them even close together, presumably just to confuse people who may not realize we were different people.
  20. Jotokun

    This or That?

    Hat! Cardboard or styrofoam?
  21. Jotokun

    This or That?

    CD, because most cars cant play DVDs. For blocking out rain, umbrella or hood?
  22. Jotokun

    This or That?

    HD... although I really hate how it all but killed 16:10 ratio monitors in the mainstream computer market. Green or Blue power indicator LEDs?
  23. To be fair, Google's done a lot to fix that. If more developers would just break free of support for anything below ICS (4.0), you'd start seeing a much more unified style. Manufactures also kinda mess up the look with their skins, Moto seems to be the only one to understand that seeing how similar to stock theirs is as of late. Samsung and LG are the biggest offenders there. I think this is part of why the Nexus devices are becoming as popular as they are. But yeah, articles like that are pointless. Obsessing over a cell phone operating system like that... surely you must have better things to do with your life. I say this as an Android fan, since they have sideloading and a filesystem. Being open source doesn't hurt, either. Philosophical differences, what's right for me isn't going to be right for everyone else. Some people benefit from the strict consistancy Apple provides.
  24. My father claims he learned how to drive a manual transmission car this way. While I'm not sure I believe him (if you cant drive one, how will your brain properly recreate one?), if true it definitely goes with your hypothesis. I've never had a lucid dream before, but I'd love to have one. I've heard that if you become aware that you are and think your slipping, the best thing to do is spin. Has something to do with how your eyes move back and forth in rem sleep.
  25. Since we're posting mobile devices instead of just desktops/laptops now, here's my Nexus 10 tablet. Widgets are edited to remove potentially identifying info. ...off topic, anyone else find it ridiculous that we can get super high-res tablets (the above is 2560x1600) and phones for relatively cheap, but to get anything above 1080p in a desktop monitor requires you to cut off an arm and a leg? And no, I dont count those Korean monitors given their complete lack of a warranty in most places.
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