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Everything posted by Airikita

  1. Yeah, I'm finding out editing actor files is more complicated when sizes are screwed with... but that doesn't really matter anyways. Also, APPLES: EDIT: and now, a separate apple:
  2. If Epona uses gravity, it may be something that's in code.zdata that she uses... and that means changing that will affect everything with gravity. Although, it's possible to edit her floating-point values and see if any of those contain her gravity. Also, I think it's possible to change how she animates, but finding that is even trickier. If you want to try to find her gravity, you can always try my Ocarina Value Changer to find it. Also, ADDIU values can affect animation sometimes, but rarely. I recommend fiddling with the float values. If you need some tips on how to test for different effects, just pm me. If you can't edit Epona's gravity, there's sure to be her jumping force applied to her code.
  3. That's really cool doomraider! I got my UFO to work with the Arwing: Turns out I didn't have to change the Arwing's file, I just used gameplay_keep instead... I had a little help figuring that one out. Video:
  4. Hm... I wonder if I still have my notes where I turned the Gohma eggs invisible... and I'm sure there's a function that prevents the z-target box from being created, so I will look into that. That would make Redeads useful, although wouldn't that make the Gibdos invisible too? I guess I could always just edit the Redead's model. Would require a bit extra, but shouldn't be a problem.
  5. Well, that's what the Arwing uses, so yes, I'm trying to add new model data to it... I don't know what to say about it yet, but can specular affect an actor using the model? Anyways, the Arwing's model uses absolute addresses in it's ram segment, that's why I don't know what to do.
  6. Urgh... okay, I know I'm double-posting, but I have a problem in the Arwing... it's RAM offset is this: 01 01 F0 3E 80 9D 60 58 (found at 0x27C0 in ovl_En_Clear_Tag), it's virtual memory start point is 809D35B0, which makes the RAM offset at 0x809D35B0, but your program won't calculate it! It crashes instead... help.
  7. Yeah, Sang mentioned it after I asked here... but anyways, the RAM address I want to point to changes in different maps, is there a way to use a data pointer to point to a zobj? Or another way to point to a model group?
  8. Okay, that's what I figured... I know I should've asked this sooner, but I'm trying to get a 128x128 texture to work... what format should it be? (OoT cuts off most of the texture after importing)
  9. xdan: is it possible to get DE00XXXXXX... to "point" to a position in RAM?
  10. Well okay, it looks good. For now I'll just see where I go with this mod before deciding on the logo... thanks for your idea though, it looks very nice!
  11. I love the pillars, looks almost like it's in Twilight Princess with the ruins... very cool!
  12. I'm attempting to get the Arwing to work, but even just adding the new model data to the end of the ovl_en_clear_tag.zactor crashes the game when an Arwing is present... Even without pointing to the new model!
  13. Playing around with Zelda Ocarina of Time Debug rom, I noticed this interesting thing: Also, items are active on Epona... you can't really see it, but Link has his sword out in his hand in this shot. Also, notice how the map icon is a darker, stronger green than in the official game. Even in Debug the map isn't that green! Here's an official game screenshot: It seems as though the intro contains some beta content/features removed from the official game... even though it's still "there". Also, entering Kokiri Forest warps you to Lost Woods (Zora's River entrance).
  14. Problem solved: There's still an edge, but it still looks good with what I have. Actually, I was using a texture, but I forgot to remap it to fix the problem.
  15. I will have to apologize for the earlier demo, apparently I didn't need to do that for custom models... regardless, I finally have a successful import: My issue now is the sharp corners and such, but I think my model editor should be able to fix that? The lighting is all weird.
  16. I tried creating a new model today, in blender... converted to 3ds then obj, then imported; fixed the dllist, and now it's not showing again. Is it possible that blender could be a problem, or maybe when I export it to 3ds?
  17. xdan: I found the problem... so I was looking at the offsets for both the Gibdo's head and my new model and noticed how there was 3 lines mixed in the wrong order in the .bin file your program created: Gibdo's head: The .bin file created raw: So I had to re-arrange the 3 lines that your program created to look like this: So it turns out my model was fine, but your program was creating some problems earlier where the Gibdo's head was invisible... but now it works after I fixed it: So this will work for other objects, it just needs to be adjusted.
  18. My texture on the head is invisible no matter what I do... I think I'm pointing to the wrong offset; is there any guide I can refer to for this?
  19. Well, it's fine now... I just have a problem that needs to be solved. The model renders fine in UoT, but doesn't show up in OoT... The head of the Gibdo is invisible. I think I might have an incorrect offset entered from its head, so I don't really know what to point to? Here's the obj file for reference: http://www.tempfiles.net/download/201211/273410/alienhead2.html Here's what it looks like coming from Blender: http://www.tempfiles...lender_obj.html Although it doesn't matter... blender is a pain in the rump to get textures applied to a model either way.
  20. It turned out to be an issue with Blender creating an obj file... I fixed the problem with a few extra programs.
  21. I always use blender though... it's an obj file. EDIT: My first import: I don't think it works well with characters with bones...
  22. I get an "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" when I open a Wavefront OBJ file... is there any reason for this? I made the geometry as simple as possible.. I'm using Windows 7 64-bit OS, maybe that has something to do with it?
  23. It looks great! Although, I think the leaves are a bit awkward on it.. I was also thinking of something else for the sword&shield in the logo, but that can wait until I figure out how to fit it in with the theme. I'm also thinking more along the lines of something that can fit with my weird mod.. although, anything that needs to be changed can wait until I get more into map modding, and redesigning. Maybe see what it looks like with a UFO behind the logo? Although, I wonder if that would look too strange...
  24. That's a cool suggestion, however the title for this has been decided for storyline changes. The storyline will feature a quest to obtain the secrets of eternal youth, which is made pretty clear at the beginning... the storyline from other characters will feature wild and crazy things, such as the ALIEN CONSPIRACY theories (as hinted by the Kokiri boy guard), so there's lots of things to be done in this game. I am planning an overhaul on the Deku Tree's storylines, and AI manipulation to make things work out according to my plans. It's the AI manipulations that take the longest to do, even if I have a vague idea on what to look for.
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