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Everything posted by HellspawnOfHalo

  1. What I'm about to say may or may not offend you. I'm not a PC elitest, but I feel that you're saying that consoles are superior, which in fact they are not. 1. Better graphics. Yes, some people care about graphics, and I completely agree with what you said. Game feel, atmosphere, and overall design should come before HAWLEY SHET ISH SO PERTY AHMIGAWD. While I agree with this, I feel that PC versions of games are always better looking. Mainly because consoles are very limited with what they have to work with, and ever since the N64, have not had an expandable anything in terms of performance outside of newer models. That being said, let's move on. 2. Mod support. I don't know about you, but mods are VERY important to me. Mainly because I'm an aspiring game dev, and they intrigue me. More importantly, you can make a game your own in a sense. While yes, consoles also have a modding community, it's much more difficult because either you have to have a program to get the data you need to mod NO MATTER THE GAME, or you have to use FTP, which can be a pain in the ass to set up. While you're right, not all PC games support mods (RE4, Sonic Adventure, etc;can't think of many...), it's VERY common that games have mod support, and not only that, but sometimes, they turn into full-fledged games. (Couter-Strike, Day of Defeat, Killing Floor, Dear Esther, this list can go on for days.) 3. Keyboard and Mouse The adapter you referred to on average costs $70+. Either that or you get a shitty controller made to look like a mouse and an awkward wii nunchuck. While I'm not saying keyboard and mouse is better for ALL games, it's the obvious winner in the FPS genre. The mouse literally becomes an extension of your thoughts, while a controller for FPS games, I often find myself messing up a headshot because I moved farther than I wanted. Then again, that's just my opinion. I didn't even grow up PC, I grew up console. I only started on PC when I was 13 with Halo. While I was used to playing Halo on original xbox, I found myself much more immersed into the game on PC. 4. Higher framerate I completely agree on this point, framerate isn't that much of an issue for me, I seriously don't even have anything to argue on this. Now that I've gotten all that shit out of the way, I'm not saying PC gaming is superior. Everyone clicks with one or the other, or sometimes both, like me. While I do feel that modding is for the more hardcore gaming community, that doesn't mean that there aren't hardcore gamers on console. On the topic of hardcore gaming, CoD is NOT a hardcore gamer's game, it is a casual gamer's way of SAYING they're a hardcore gamer. Got off topic, but I had to say it. I digress, I feel that console gaming is more for anything but FPS, but PC can do it all since it has controller support with almost any controller on the market. TL;DR: everyone needs to stop bitching about console vs. PC and coexist.
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