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Everything posted by Spire

  1. I've grown to feel this way. Never thought I would, because I was really excited about Skyward Sword's aesthetic building up to the game. When I played it though... it felt lacking. Felt like it hadn't figured itself out. Maybe it was less the aesthetic and rather, what the developers chose to DO with the aesthetic. I just wasn't too keen on the world of Skyward Sword. Hyrule was incredibly boring to me and the bestiary was very limited, more often than not dishing out color/elemental variants of but a handful of enemy types. The bestiary is a big part of Zelda for me and Skyward Sword may be the most disappointing title in the series as far as enemy diversity and design goes. Granted, some of it was good, it was just too limited. And then there's Tentalus. Hoo boy.... Now, I'm not totally keen on the Wii U Tech Demo aesthetic either. I think it's definitely an improvement over Skyward Sword, but it doesn't fit my ideal Zelda aesthetic. We'll see what Nintendo does. Either way, I won't be unhappy. But when I think back to SS, I feel more disappointment than joy. I don't want to, but I do.
  2. I've encountered it numerous times. Fear definitely is a huge factor in their formation, however it is fear pulling from the depths of one's consciousness to appear. There have been symbolic dreams associated with, or that trigger the encounter with my shadow. These dreams, when looking back on them, reflect the dark secrets of my life. This is why I believe the shadows feed on that. They are incarnations of all you repress. By appearing, they are not trying to harm you. Instead, it is your sub- or unconscious emerging as a separate entity to try and inform you of something you need to improve. Last halloween, I relinquished my darkest secrets to my family and my shadow stopped showing up.
  3. Many have encountered the others during sleep paralysis. "Shadow people" some call them. Are they real? Or are they projections of parts of our consciousness? It's widely agreed upon that in dreams, everyone you encounter be they people you know or not, represent aspects of yourself and thus your dreams are but you facing many sides of yourself. So I wonder, with sleep paralysis... are the shadow people but inflexions of our unconscious? Maybe they are us, appearing as these frightening figures who represent all we repress in ourselves. The more secrets you keep, the stronger they become. They know all of your secrets. They are your secrets. Because of this, they seem so foreign, so alien. But in fact, they are you. The shadow to the ego.
  4. Blinx, you recognize the potential of making this a Tingle mod right? Where you play as him? See if you can't figure something out with Hylian Toolbox. Playing as Tingle would be the absolute best excuse for anything and everything you can imagine. No matter how NSFW you want to get, with Tingle the protagonist, everything is valid.
  5. Question: is that column texture from the Imperial City in ESIV: Oblivion?
  6. Bobbo all day. Super smash bobbos, flubobbo, robobbobin williams, pirates of the caribobbo, bobbolade runner, one flew over the bobbo's nest, silence of the lambobbos, beetle bobborgs, earthbobbound, the empire strikes bobback, bobbo fett, jabobbo the hutt, transformers: robobbos in disguise, dexter's labobboratory, johnny bobboravo, cowbobboy bebobbop. *slams fists on the table*
  7. ^ hahahaha I was working on something nearly identical last night. Long hall with columns. I'll post a screen once it's presentable.
  8. http://www.phayul.com/news/article.aspx?id=6214&t=1 He didn't live to be 500 years old. The Mummy was 500 years old.
  9. Desire is necessary to lead you to the point where you can want nothing. "To want nothing". That is desire. We are born with desire, but I feel it is something we can and possibly should learn to grow out of. If not wholly, definitely to a degree. The more you age, the less you should want. Give more than you receive, but expect nothing. We would live in paradise if we adopted this mindset. If everyone in your city or town spent 30 minutes of their day practicing selflessness by doing something for the benefit of others, we would live in utopia. We can get here by desiring to live this way. Desire can be used for good. Unfortunately, it seems most people in the western world are caught up in desires that cater to themselves, not others. I desire to make the living conditions for other people better. Aha! The difference: I do not want to make other peoples' lives better. I will make other peoples' lives better. There is no desire when you declare what you will do. Is it still a desire to do something though, even if you do not verbalize it as a 'want'? Are desire and willpower different things? Can willpower achieve something without the desire to do it? Or is desire necessary to recognize what the willpower wants to achieve? I want to eat an apple. I will eat an apple. Maybe I do not want to eat an apple, but I will do it anyway. Willpower can be used to do things even one does not desire. "I will do this not because I want to, but because I need to. I will do this not because I want to, but because I have to. I will do this not because I want to, but because I must." I will help the people of this world because I have to, because I need to. But I still want to do this. Maybe desire is overcome once you begin doing it. Maybe desire is a temporary motivator to summon the willpower to do something. Perhaps desire is the step of recognition from a distance. Actually crossing that distance requires will, for desire will never get you there. If you live a life of desire, you will forever look upon your potential from afar. What if you can act simply on willpower, skipping the step of desire? What if you eliminate the "want" entirely from your life and look at every potential as something you must will to happen. Every obstacle becomes not something you "want" to overcome, but something you "will" overcome. I need to meditate on this and go to sleep.
  10. I don't think it's about appearance though. To some, sure. Slowing down or stopping the aging process is about preventing death, not avoiding looking old. Maybe to some, or maybe universally, looking old means looking like you're closer to death. If we can prevent death at the hands of aging, then does looking old really mean anything anymore? And if looking old loses its value, maybe looking young will too. Maybe by preventing death by age, we diminish what it means to look like anything. Giadrosich, I don't know why you're so focused on this issue in regards to appearance. I know in the western world specifically, females are held to such high standards, all being photoshopped and appearing on endcaps at grocery stores, showing you what the "ideal woman" is supposed to look like. There's a lot of unfair skewing of appearance in our culture, especially of females. Women do not grow up loving their looks because there's, "always someone more beautiful than them". It's really fucking backwards and it downplays the necessity of loving yourself because you are yourself. We're basically forced to compare ourselves to socially accepted ideals so we can feel bad about ourselves. There are these two concepts: Eros and Thymos. Our world is based on the two. Eros, or the erotic, is all that we don't have. In a world dominated by eros, we are prone to seek out things we don't have in order to feel a sense of success or accomplishment; to feel good about ourselves, we must obtain things. In a world dominated by thymos, we recognize that we are all we need. We don't need to obtain things, all the power is within us. Eros and Thymos affect the ego in very different ways. Both have the potential to strengthen the ego, but one promotes consumerism while the other does not. I think a world built with a perfect balance of both would stimulate balanced trade as well as a strong core public ego where people do not feel dominated by what they don't have. Objects in the world could obtain a base interest level as everything would assume the identity as creative components for those who want to make. It would inspire a world of makers, not users. I deem it very important to cut down on consumerism for the sake of balancing the collective ego of people so we do not feel a constant lacking in our lives. Desire is such a strange concept. We are born into the world desiring warmth, nurture, and nutrition. We grow up wanting more and more things, friendship, money, creative control and success, knowledge, power... basically all abstractions of the things we're born desiring. So... what can we do to eliminate desire? What can we do to literally stop wanting, to create a system that provides us with the things we collectively agree humans need so we will all be taken care of on a base level. Where does desire go? How can we extract it from the human psyche? How can we advance while promoting the need to not want? I do not think this is necessary, just a question to ask. Again, it comes down to finding a balance between the eros and thymos, between desire and sufficiency. Desire promotes trade and wanting, sufficiency promotes need. Eros will help us advance without stagnation, thymos will help us realize how little we actually need to just be. With this balance, we will allot so much more space and awareness so we may help the truly needy. tl;dr — aging and stuff, you should read my post.
  11. Spire


    Good job! I think this is clever; it's really telling of who you are as a person. How did she receive it? Also I'm having a hard time understanding why Waluigi isn't number one. Waaaahhhhhhhhhh!
  12. It's good to see what the lot of you look like. Good to remember that we're just people behind screens. Sometimes the internet can be disillusioning, sometimes you can forget how to treat people because you're not physically in their presence. It is important to hold on to what makes us human and remember you're dealing with people a lot like yourself. I am glad to be a part of this community.
  13. I enjoy world design. I think it applies both to graphics and story.
  14. I find it highly likely that over the course of the 21st century, we will eliminate death by means of aging and disease. It's just a form of adaptation, only instead of biologically mutating to acquire such functions, we are instead employing technology to expedite the process because we are a weak and fragile species. Everything can kill us very easily. It is important to prolong humanity by whatever means necessary without diminishing our respect for the natural processes that we have dealt with throughout our entire history. If we do not take such measures, we will fall into adaptation of the established world and never really advance beyond it. We are the earth, and by researching this, the earth is trying to figure out how to extend the lifespans of its cognitive recipients. We are all the pawns of the planet and it wants to strengthen us. Biology failed, so technology has taken its place. Everything that has happened on earth is a natural process.
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