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  1. Being able to use the gcn's old theme.
  2. You need to have a controller inserted into slot 2 or else the L+R+Z button combination won't work.
  3. Replying because I want to know the progress.
  4. Like I said, I zeroed out the old file just to make sure that it was loading the newly pointed gameplay_keep. I don't know how your RAM Expansion hack works but making gameplay_keep bigger may introduce problems. This isn't OoT related but if you make Child Link's object file larger in MM, it ends up overwriting scene/map data in RAM, which then causes various glitches depending on the scene you enter. I haven't been paying much attention to the forums lately, but if you could lead me to your RAM Expansion hack then I could test it out on my ED64, if you want.
  5. Looks fine to me. I even 00'd out the old location.
  6. fkualol

    Maps for MM

    I made this map with SharpOcarina a while ago and did some testing to see how I could get it to run on hardware. You're going to have to at least add the 0x1B command to the scene header. You can use 1B090000 02xxxxxx and have it point to this data if you want. You'll probably have to add a pointer to the camera data in the collision header as well. If you point it to a bunch of zeroes then there should be no problems with the camera. Anyway, that's how I got the above map to work on real hardware. Edit: Oh yeah, use the program Arcaith linked to above me for converting the map's model. Edit2: Forgot another thing. Make sure Link's Y rotation ends with 00 if you plan on using the 1B command with that data I linked to.
  7. http://www.en64.net/OoTMM.7z Contains most of the stuff I've had documented over the last few years or so. It's quite a mess. If you have any questions about a certain thing then please reply to this thread and I'll try my best to help. As you can see I have a text file named "MM (J) grass item rng.txt" this does just apply to grass, but to pots and maybe other actors as well. MM (J) Camera Stuff.txt and oot camera types.txt include various information about the camera when using items, actions, etc. a lot of stuff still needs to be documented. Jazz made a thread on his site and included my MM shop hacking info here: http://en64.net/forums/index.php?topic=4.0 so you don't have to go through the txt files for this info. I copied Wareya's format on spinout's wiki and there are some object:shader values which I am unsure of whether they are present or not. The Height and Speed.txt file needs to be looked into, as there are many variables that determine how high Link can grab onto a ledge, speed, etc. 0x1a.txt, 0x1b command.txt, 0x1c.txt, and 0x02.txt are simply MM scene commands that I have documented and posted here before. Damage Colours.txt only contains the RAM pointer for the asm to change the damage colour in MM (J), but there's more info in another text file somewhere in there. Two of the most important text files are MM (J) Action ASM.txt and OoT Action Modifier.txt as they contain pointers to different actions coded in assembly. It can be useful if you want to change how an action works or something. That's all I'll explain for now and if there's something you want to add or need help with, just ask. Sometimes I'm gone for a certain period so I don't know of or when I'll be able to help you, but hopefully all of this garbage I wrote in notepad helps people hack Zelda in some way.
  8. Check the function at 803ED584. Set a breakpoint there and it should break when you're about to climb on her.
  9. Kind of off-topic, but I just noticed today that 5 of my videos have been muted for matching third-party content. All 5 of those videos are using in-game music too. This is embarassing. My headphones have been unplugged the whole time so I thought the videos were muted. On-topic, all we can really do is wait and see how this works.
  10. I'm about 12 hours in on Y and I just got the pokeflute. I'm playing it in a language that I'm trying to learn which is why it's taking me so long to progress.
  11. It's actually called Z2_BOWLING, it's just that no one has bothered updating the names for the scene listings. Also from http://www.htloz.net/archives/htloz/2000-2001/zelda6/spaceworld99.html This and the one video I made is the only proof I have that supports that Deku Link originally shot out deku seeds instead of bubbles. One more thing for OoT: http://youtu.be/7Bz9W9IuLPg?t=1m30s When you have nothing equipped and press B Link simply unsheathes his sword instead of slashing immediately. I'm guessing this applied to all weapons.
  12. For some reason zdec doesn't fix the DMA offsets for the file that contains the overworld map textures and Fierce Deity's object file. Replace the 8 bytes at 0x1A5A8 with 009F5000 00000000 and 0x1CDD8 with 0114D000 00000000 to fix it.
  13. fkualol


    I compared the mesh between both versions of bdan_boss_room_1 and noticed there were DA380003 8012DB20 instances in the debug version, while in 1.0 there were DA380003 800FEDB0 instances. I'm not sure what the DA display list command does but changing them might fix it.
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