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Why, I am the smiley patcher, of course! :)

Something, whether it be a glitch, or rogue Jedi, is adding/changing smileys in people's posts... and I am patching them back up(when I am not sleeping), to ensure no backlash from the smiley population. Yes, it is a fun job, and I get so much smiley action because of it. :3


Why did I put this in The Central Hub? Hrmm...



*moves to Randomness*

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But it was Shadow. I was serious when I said I can't add new smileys to the forum. ;~;


Like, I can only edit them in/out/to something else in posts, as there was recently a glitch which caused them to become a different smiley in recent posts/topics.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.

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Hmm, add em to this.


It was the day of a soccer game and my friend and i were on the same team and we were passing the ball to each other then we were wso close to the goal so i kicked it and it hit a guy right in the nuts and he cryed like there was no tommorrow i laughed so hard as if there was no tomorrow hahaha so then the reff did a 2 min timeout and check if the kid was okay and apperenty not because they called the ambulence and he went to the hospital. Then the game went on but rigjht after the game the opposing teams coach came to me and started cussing me out like i was an adult and he said i needed to be careful and such so then i was like ok and then my coach came over and started to cuss the other coach it was like a commedy tv show lol then it was over and every one went home.:) Oh yea and we won the game!!!:)





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