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My Try at an OOT beta re-imagining


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Will link have a jump action? :huh:


sorry I haven't answered your question for a long time, but I am planning on having a jump button. In fact, I've already came out with a dungeon design that takes advantage of it. As for the roc's feather, I'm not sure. Because the beta of oot just had a jump button, no word on the roc's feather.
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sorry I haven't answered your question for a long time, but I am planning on having a jump button. In fact, I've already came out with a dungeon design that takes advantage of it. As for the roc's feather, I'm not sure. Because the beta of oot just had a jump button, no word on the roc's feather.


If you're gonna do that you might wanna move these unused/beta items into your beta rom. - All of these are in the debug rom.



Reed Whistle



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The Reed Whistle was an item in an early version of Ocarina of Time. It allowed you to call your horse, similar to the Horse Call item in Twilight Princess. It was removed in favor of using Epona's Song.


Early Medallion

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This early medallion is hexagonal, and has a different color choice. It doesn't look very good, so the developers decided to replace it with a better design.


Musical Note


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Judging from one early screenshot, this was supposed to hover over Link's head when you learned a new song, much like when you get a new item. It may have been a part of a different melody acquiring system entirely. It was removed in favor of the dorky stance Link currently makes when he learns a new song.



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No idea at all. Coins don't normally appear in the Zelda universe. And this one even comes in four possible colors.

Interestingly, the color-coding matches that of Rupees- green, blue, red, and gold/huge Rupees are covered. Perhaps a placeholder graphic?


Butterfly Cage


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Now this is quite interesting. Apparently, you were meant to catch the butterflies that roam Hyrule. The question is what purpose they would have served.


Just to point this stuff out...



Btw this reply to you is my first post on this forum!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^

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If you're gonna do that you might wanna move these unused/beta items into your beta rom. - All of these are in the debug rom.


-beta stuff-


Just to point this stuff out...



Btw this reply to you is my first post on this forum!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^


For the record, I'm not sure this is a beta restoration project. If you want the reed whistle in-game, I re-created a patch that you can find uner "Community Projects".

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For the record, I'm not sure this is a beta restoration project. If you want the reed whistle in-game, I re-created a patch that you can find uner "Community Projects".


What Sanguinetti said, it's theme is the beta, but it is not a restortion. There is too much un-known about the beta to make a full game, so we are just trying to make a new zelda game that looks like the beta, has many of the confirmed elements of the beta, but plays like a brand new game. I don't really think the reed whistle ore beta medalions will be in it, but I already have some ideas about some of the other things Fluid Karma has shown.
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I haven't posted anything new in a long time. Work is still being done, but I have not done much work in months. Not many of you know this, but i've been fighting off some self depression. And the internet was all that was really making me happy. Otherwise, I was a mess. I have not been myself since around Febuary. I may not seem it, but I've been pretty upset. Well, i'm still getting through all of this, but I think you guys will be surprised about what you see. Expect a full trailer August-ish ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...

About the BETA project, I don't really think it's getting anywhere. It's also just not fun working on anymore. I don't know what I should do. I might restart the project from scratch. But also, I came up with an idea for a mod that I would have more fun doing anyway.


Here is my draft of the story for my other idea I came up with. And remember, it's a draft, things will change and some sttuff may sound out of place due to this being a very new idea of mine. (I put it in a spoiler box because of it's massive size):

With the Hero of Time defeated in battle, Ganondorf takes The hero's triforce to add to his power. And with no more use for Zelda, he kills Zelda to aquire her triforce. Now, Ganondorf with the three triforce shards and the master sword, he has complete power. Ganondorf sends an overwelming darkness over Hyrule, bringing all of it's beauty into chaos. Ganondorf then shows Hyrule their fallen hero, explaining what has happened and telling them to give up all hope. As Ganondorf shows off the stolen master sword, a brave fairy makes a run for it and takes the master sword, and hides it in a place unknown to Ganondorf, a Shrine deep in the lost woods where no man fears to tread. A Shrine that only a Hero chosen by the goddeses could find. Or so they thought. Ganondorf quickly finds out. And out of anger, he curses the shrine and locks it with an indistructable lock only possible to open with a key. But he used up too much of his power with all the cursing and such, so the best he could do is destroy the key and skatter it all over Hyrule.

9 years later: A new hero rises. And he must collect the shards of the key in order to obtain the master sword, the only weapon possible to end Ganondorf for good.]



So, should I continue the BETA project as it is, restart it, or work on my own idea? I probably will still work on the BETA project, but as a small side thing next to my other idea. Please respond, because I don't know which to choose :)


Edit: Whoops! Forgot to mention that this idea is a sequal to oot of the timeline where link fails to defeat ganon.

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