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Zelda Wii U Speculation


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Personally I would like to see young/kid link again, as all of the games hes been in were praised to be the best in the series. More ground breaking environments, seasons, every little thing that could make a Zelda game have more variety. This time no limitations, use up all that 25 gb disk goodness, no excuses to cut things out. More characters, that actually have something to do in the story. More items, much more exploration and honestly a better Zelda. You see Zelda very few times in a Zelda game, maybe make her have more involvement on your quest rather than being kept away somewhere not being able to do anything at all. Make the wii u controller 1:1 shield control. Fix some of the problems re-calibrating the wii mote over and over again. And please, please a better over world, Bigger than twilight princess but as adventurous as windwakers. Maybe an ocean and rather small pieces of land, big huge continents AND small pieces of land. I want it to have a overworld the size of Skyrim's. Heck I want the overworld to be more than a continent but rather a planet.


Just speculate away!



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It'd be hard to use the Wii-U Controller as a shield, as holding it would require two hands, leaving you with no area to put the Wiimote, but nice suggestions! I would like to see Zelda more, she was nice in Skyward Sword, but then you didn't see her a lot after the beginning.

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It'd be hard to use the Wii-U Controller as a shield, as holding it would require two hands, leaving you with no area to put the Wiimote, but nice suggestions! I would like to see Zelda more, she was nice in Skyward Sword, but then you didn't see her a lot after the beginning.


Ya, it would be tough figuring out how the next zelda game could work. Same, it would be very nice to see the character with her name in the title to appear more than a few times.



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I agree with the idea of a larger overworld, but one as large as Skyrim, that might be asking Nintendo for too much, but I digress. Maybe an overworld as big as the overworld in Wind Waker, but without 90% of it being fucking water. I was land with purpose, not land to take up space on the disc.

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I mean seriously, think of it this way, there has been no first party titles this year really, Zelda and Kirby... Erm I dunno what else. Thats because everyone was working on their biggest game ever for 5 years... Skyward Sword! Even Kirbys return to Dreamland has been in development since the GC days. They need to start utilising their second party teams and hire some new people are buy smaller companys. The issue they have had is that everone bought their consoles but now there are no games for them, both the Wii and 3DS have suffered from this. The 3DS has started selling but the only games out for it are remakes of old N64 games and some Mario games. Sales are in software, customers buy one console (or at least one of many, PS3/360/Wii) and then they buy several games for that console, I had like three or four games for my Wii and the only reason I got it was TP and a bunch of games that were cancelled or failed to live up to the hype. Now I just play Wii games on my iMac.


Oh yeah, online gaming... Fix it!

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I mean seriously, think of it this way, there has been no first party titles this year really, Zelda and Kirby... Erm I dunno what else. Thats because everyone was working on their biggest game ever for 5 years... Skyward Sword! Even Kirbys return to Dreamland has been in development since the GC days. They need to start utilising their second party teams and hire some new people are buy smaller companys. The issue they have had is that everone bought their consoles but now there are no games for them, both the Wii and 3DS have suffered from this. The 3DS has started selling but the only games out for it are remakes of old N64 games and some Mario games. Sales are in software, customers buy one console (or at least one of many, PS3/360/Wii) and then they buy several games for that console, I had like three or four games for my Wii and the only reason I got it was TP and a bunch of games that were cancelled or failed to live up to the hype. Now I just play Wii games on my iMac.


Oh yeah, online gaming... Fix it!


I know right? If I had a Nintendo console with even better capabilities than the xbox 360 and ps3, with third party games, I will end my days of Microsoft and Sony. Do not worry, they HAVE to have more people if their going to make games 5 times the size of skyward sword, or they wont do well at all. Just thinking of a more bigger team than Skyward Sword working on games at Nintendo. It will be the golden age.

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I personally would love to see more advanced physics simulations:


Ragdoll physics, better destruction physics(say, you destroy a pot and its pieces stay, and have physics to themselves... hard to explain, just think wooden crates in Half Life 2), more physics involved puzzles, ect.


I know a lot of that doesn't really seem Zelda, but with the power of the Wii U... why not?


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.

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Lets think about the controller for a sec. Obviously in terms of graphic fidelity, it could either go one of two ways, Really realistic, a la Zelda HD demo, or it could go in an Anime-esque artistic style like Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm series.


Now, the controller, this could introduce a multitude of possible options. One, it could be something as basic as how Ocarina 3D controls the bottom touch screen. However... for a revolutionary tablet controller that seems really plain and uninspired.


Now, lets have a bit of fun. Perhaps the tablet controller (which I'm going to call the TabCon from now on to save time) has multiple "screens" or "modes". One mode could be your plain generic inventory screen. However, a second, could be a consistent first person view, fully controllable just like an FPS-esque control scheme. Now, I'm not saying Zelda should be an FPS... that's not my idea as such. Miyamoto stated that when he originally made Ocarina, he toyed with the idea of it being in first person, but then opted for it to be third person as it took more of the scene in at once. However, lets fast forward around 13 years and we now have 2 games, Ocarina 3D and Skyward Sword. Ocarina 3D offers one of the move immersive first person options ever to grace a video game - the ability to move the 3DS around you in a 360 degree fashion and view the world just like you were viewing it through a camera in the real world. The second, SS, offers a new feature called "dowsing", which allows you to move in a first person perspective for the first time ever in a Zelda game. Now, lets take that one step further.


Imagine in Zelda Wii U, the TabCon allows you to view the entire game in a first person perspective, truly seeing things through Link's eyes, whenever you like, all the while seeing everything in a third person perspective on the big screen. As its the TabCon, you could control both methods at the same time, and as such, play the game in a first person perspective if you so wish, or get the chance to view things through Links eyes for a short period of time, if you wish. Lets extend this further to items. When Link brings out his slingshot or arrow, you can bring up the Wii U controller and thanks to the front facing camera, you should be able to do 360 degree vision just like you do on the 3DS. This allows you to get a fantastic aim on opponents from further away as the screen is much closer to you before, offering you unparalleled precision aim in video games.


The Wii Remote allowed new items, or reimagined items like the Gust Bellows (gust jar) or the whip. I'm taking big liberties here, but imagine new items which allow you to target multiple enemies at once. In a sense, a goddess rod, similar to a combination of the fire rod and the dominion rod, which would use up magic. Fire up the goddess rod, and using the TabCon to pin point up to 3 enemies at once, and the Goddess Rod fires 3 beams of magic onto 3 enemies. Higher precision with arrows is just the beginning. Imagine being able to fire an arrow-like projectile which you could curve round, all using the TabCon's motion controls, and making sure those enemies from a long distance, which aren't in a straight line, have been taken down successfully before you carry on with your adventure.


Lets move on to puzzles. Imagine a puzzle in Lanayru Desert, where you're blowing off sand either using the touch screen controller or literally blowing into the mic, to try and find a switch. Or, as an extension of some SS puzzles, twisting and turning keys to insert them, or perhaps having to draw symbols in order to progress. We could even go one further and have puzzles where you may have to take down notes in order to solve the whole puzzle. An adventurer's notebook could quite easily be a new item that allows you to jot down things like these. We could even go one further and bring back the NPC controlling utility used in Wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass, but this time allow you to view the NPC you're controlling on the TabCon while keeping an eye on Link on the big screen. Or alternatively, being able to draw a pattern for the NPC to follow, and then switch back to Link so both of them are controlled at the same time. This could be extremely useful in a puzzle where you both need to balance on a platform in order to go across a canyon, or you need to hit multiple switches in succession at the same time.


I could go on and on about ideas for Zelda Wii U, I really could. But I'll just leave these here for now :) If I think of any more I may pop back and post them :)

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As a matter of factuality, its gonna play with the wiimote, theres no doubt about it. Anouma even said it himself. How can you go back on an experiance like Skyward Sword? You can't. Nintendos biggest challenge will be using the two controllers together. I also agree with what Rainbow said about physics, I was thinking that the whlie time while playing SS.

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I would really like the option to play with a Gamecube controller but I think that's unlikely. I thought Skyward Sword had nice controls but they were too inaccurate most of the time which was the game's weakest point in my opinion.


I've had similar problems. Diagonal swings are more challenging than they really ought to be; puzzles that require such usually take unreasonably long times for me to complete because half the time I'm busy trying to get the trajectory right. Perhaps if they improved the sensitivity and calibration on the Wii MotionPlus, we could have something closer to a 1:1 movement ratio between controller and virtual sword.

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I think they should just bring out a new control, the motionplus is inferior to the PS Move because the motionplus relies on the sensorbar o it doesnt really know where you are in the space. I played through SS without a sensor bar and it was fucking annoying, but after i made a quick diy bar with some candles everything played like a dream... Except when the candles ran out, lol.

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Personally I would like to see young/kid link again, as all of the games hes been in were praised to be the best in the series. More ground breaking environments, seasons, every little thing that could make a Zelda game have more variety. This time no limitations, use up all that 25 gb disk goodness, no excuses to cut things out. More characters, that actually have something to do in the story. More items, much more exploration and honestly a better Zelda. You see Zelda very few times in a Zelda game, maybe make her have more involvement on your quest rather than being kept away somewhere not being able to do anything at all. Make the wii u controller 1:1 shield control. Fix some of the problems re-calibrating the wii mote over and over again. And please, please a better over world, Bigger than twilight princess but as adventurous as windwakers. Maybe an ocean and rather small pieces of land, big huge continents AND small pieces of land. I want it to have a overworld the size of Skyrim's. Heck I want the overworld to be more than a continent but rather a planet.


Just speculate away!




Knowing Nintendo their going to try to do something that is new and fresh of course but I highly doubt using your Wii U controller as a shield counts as one of them. That would be quite pointless and hard to handle while a Wiimote in the other hand. Cute concept, but far from reality. But having a 25GB space and better hardware to work with, we can definitely expect some great things to happen and more massive overworld and dungeons. I look forward to playing a Zelda game in HD. The one thing I don't want to ever see again is another bloody ocean, sailing across that was boring for me. I really think we'll see something similar to what was shown at E3 last year.
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I agree with the idea of a larger overworld, but one as large as Skyrim, that might be asking Nintendo for too much, but I digress. Maybe an overworld as big as the overworld in Wind Waker, but without 90% of it being fucking water. I was land with purpose, not land to take up space on the disc.


It's true Skyrim is fun, but the over-vastness really can make it boring. I hope Zelda doesn't become that big. That would suck.

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