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Have you guys seen the latest article on MSNBC? To quote it:


As part of a publicity stunt on a forum by the name of "The Gamer's Collective Network", or commonly referred to as "The GCN" by its community, staff member Rainbow Dash teamed up with NASA. The goal of the partnership was to be shuttled off to a far-off, and previously unexplored sector outside of our own solar system to, as quoted by Rainbow Dash himself, "drink a bottle of anti-matter". The act would be filmed and uploaded to the popular video sharing website, YouTube, as a part of the publicity stunt. The sector Rainbow Dash was shuttled to contains high concentrations of anti-matter, and when Rainbow Dash made contact with the area, himself, his shuttle, and the entire sector exploded. This is due to the fact that positive-matter and anti-matter are physically unable to coexist, and react violently when brought together. We tried to contact NASA, but have so far received no response. We will update this article as more is revealed.


So, like... I am now a ghost, and am mad famous. Boo.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.
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"The goal of the partnership was to be shuttled off to a far-off, and previously unexplored sector outside of our own solar system"


So I guess we have to wait maybe up to two years or so for the video (assuming data transmission at light speed), depending on what you would say is the extent of our own solar system? Trololo...

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Cowboys butts, drive me nuts.


Uhm, okay? Not sure what that has to do with anything. :)



"The goal of the partnership was to be shuttled off to a far-off, and previously unexplored sector outside of our own solar system"


So I guess we have to wait maybe up to two years or so for the video (assuming data transmission at light speed), depending on what you would say is the extent of our own solar system? Trololo...


But there is no video... refer to my response to the quote at the bottom of this post.



C'mon, DeathBasket, you of all people should know the two most obvious solutions to this problem--space folding (i.e. extradimensional transport) or data transmission via guided virtual particles.


I was supposed to keep it a secret, even in death(waiver said so). But seeing as how you guessed the two possible methods, I'll let you know one is correct. But see, even though one was to be the method, it's all pointless since there's no video. Refer to my response to the quote in the bottom of my post.



Lolol, *puts on glasses* Everyone knows youtube deleted it since it was the most pointless video on the net. Trolololol!


What video? Did you not read the part of the MSNBC article that said I exploded, along with an entire sector of anti-matter? God, twat, I'm dead. :)


Show some respect. :)


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.
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C'mon, DeathBasket, you of all people should know the two most obvious solutions to this problem--space folding (i.e. extradimensional transport) or data transmission via guided virtual particles.


I wasn't aware that our technology used those methods yet... then again, I didn't know even Rainbow Dash could travel that far away so quickly. :)

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*rattles around old chains*


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.


You're abusing your powers by editing my posts :) Edited by Naxylldritt
*'re. Also, I'm abusing my powers too. :D
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