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Does Graphic's Matter


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That stereotypical answer annoys me, if graphics didn't matter most of us wouldn't be here. Wasn't it originally Zeth's texture hacks that brought a lot of people to this community in the first place? Remember that texture hacks are graphical modifications. To makes this concept even easier to understand: Imagine, two games, with the exact same gameplay but one has better graphics, the other one, not so much. Any logical person would go to the one with the better looks, because it's human instinct and kind of common sense.

Sorry, I'm starting to sound like an asshole aren't I?


just sayin


We should be getting back to topic now, shouldn't we?

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Hiding this off-topic garbage in a spoiler.



That stereotypical answer annoys me, if graphics didn't matter most of us wouldn't be here. Wasn't it originally Zeth's texture hacks that brought a lot of people to this community in the first place? Remember that texture hacks are graphical modifications. To makes this concept even easier to understand: Imagine, two games, with the exact same gameplay but one has better graphics, the other one, not so much. Any logical person would go to the one with the better looks, because it's human instinct and kind of common sense.

Sorry, I'm starting to sound like an asshole aren't I?


just sayin


We should be getting back to topic now, shouldn't we?


Please do not speak to staff that way, Leon. Because let me tell you right now that I will not take it from you. Understood? Good.


Also, another thing: do not shove your opinions down the throats of others and push it as fact. That human instinct thing is not as true as you'd think.


And yeah, it would be grand if we got back on topic and you quit it with your poor attitude; good idea. :)



Anyways, I feel you will all be blown away by the trailer; while I do not know too much about it, certain aspects I do, and just by THAT I know it will be amazing.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.

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That stereotypical answer annoys me, if graphics didn't matter most of us wouldn't be here. Wasn't it originally Zeth's texture hacks that brought a lot of people to this community in the first place? Remember that texture hacks are graphical modifications. To makes this concept even easier to understand: Imagine, two games, with the exact same gameplay but one has better graphics, the other one, not so much. Any logical person would go to the one with the better looks, because it's human instinct and kind of common sense.

Sorry, I'm starting to sound like an asshole aren't I?


just sayin


We should be getting back to topic now, shouldn't we?


That's like saying why should people play the URA mod at all cause its on the N64 and OOT 3D was released with better graphics. I'm sorry but in my own personal opinion, graphic's doesn't mean everything, a game can be good without being most graphically enhanced like the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, gameboy games, they weren't graphically amazing compared to today's standards. How about skyward sword, great and amazing game but lacks "HD graphics" compared to the xbox 360 and PS3? Gameplay, storyline and having fun is what matters the most, not how graphically enhanced a game is.
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That's like saying why should people play the URA mod at all cause its on the N64 and OOT 3D was released with better graphics. I'm sorry but in my own personal opinion, graphic's doesn't mean everything, a game can be good without being most graphically enhanced like the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, gameboy games, they weren't graphically amazing compared to today's standards. How about skyward sword, great and amazing game but lacks "HD graphics" compared to the xbox 360 and PS3? Gameplay, storyline and having fun is what matters the most, not how graphically enhanced a game is.


I thought Skyward Sword's graphics were pretty damn good, 1080p or not. Just my two cents.... carry on. C:
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<p>Just a tad bit off topic if you don't mind </p><p>I think graphics play a crucial role in current gaming but are no where near the best part of gaming. Though the odds are that if you released a game with N64 graphics on 360 the sales would be low<br></p><p>another thing that annoys me is the fact people keep saying that some games (Rage Skyrim) have amazing graphics and they do but nothing new the standards for graphics hardly changed in 2011 but that was because there was no point because a large number of gamers are on consoles with limited graphics.</p><p>But what makes me happy in that sense is Skyward Sword they knew the graphical limitations of the Wii and found the best way to make the game look amazing and I wish more games would follow that.I did not come here because of Zeths texture mods I came here because I found the guys youtube by accident and saw he was doing a URA mod and wanted to follow it </p>


Anyways I hope the trailer is as awesome as you say it is! :) But I will love it no matter what

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Ummm.. kay, I feel like you guys really took my words the wrong way. :)


I was just saying, when the Wii came out, HD was the norm for a while. Don't get me wrong, I love Nintendo's games and graphics; they put a lot of good stuff out there, considering their lack of high specs and stuff. Like, a lot more effort than even like, Naughty Dog, for being without HD. And also the 3DS only being 240p, and the camera at like a MP, is kind of a letdown.


It would really help them out and increase quality, and sales. I love it enough, but with higher specs and HD, we can get a lot more games, and a lot more Nintendo fans, and stand up to Microsoft and Sony.


Ninty's still my fav <3

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Ummm.. kay, I feel like you guys really took my words the wrong way. :)


I was just saying, when the Wii came out, HD was the norm for a while. Don't get me wrong, I love Nintendo's games and graphics; they put a lot of good stuff out there, considering their lack of high specs and stuff. Like, a lot more effort than even like, Naughty Dog, for being without HD. And also the 3DS only being 240p, and the camera at like a MP, is kind of a letdown.


It would really help them out and increase quality, and sales. I love it enough, but with higher specs and HD, we can get a lot more games, and a lot more Nintendo fans, and stand up to Microsoft and Sony.


Ninty's still my fav <3


This post a million times over.


I would say, that graphics don't make the game, the gameplay and story make the game. But graphics still do help out a lot.

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All of skyward sword was more of a blurred picture than a painting to me, yes theirs a difference. The ending of skyward sword, you know the ending battle is what striked me most, when you fight the final boss I couldn't tell if it was a ps3 game or wii game. Beautiful, and probably perfect lighting effects and extremely good textures on the boss and everything else, and guess what? They didn't use the painting effect then. I think the game would've been soooooo much better if they would just do less blurred out textures or what you call a painting effect. The wii could handle it, and thats what makes me so sicked for a Zelda game thats not a painting. A painting lacks enough lighting and detail that doesnt make you actually feel like your in the game. Crisp looking characters like in windwaker and the final boss in skyward sword is what I want to see. Thats just what I think on the whole situation. Maybe the painting effect looks great to you guys, but to me? Just a half assed blurred out picture.



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I could care less about graphics honestly, but I do agree that they might have some small significance in a game though not that much. Eh, to each their own.


I agree. And the significance is SO small, it's not even worth noting.


Also, Deku: your opinion on Skyward Sword's graphics is so far from the truth. :/


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.
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I think what people tend to forget in the good vs bad of graphics is that the argument is always about good graphics = good gameplay. It has nothing to actually do with the quality of the graphics. Super Mario galaxy doesn't have bad graphics, heck, Twilight Princess doesn't have bad graphics, though what it does have are graphical limitations given to it by the console. Most games that have good graphics look great when they are upscaled. Skyward Sword on the other hand, great game, great gameplay, great artistic style, but the graphics as a whole... I guess it depends, I was playing on a 27" screen and I could see the short comings, yes from far away things look like a painting but if there is a character model of an enemy or something its not part of that painting and stick out like a sore thumb, also when you get close to objects the textures look horrible. I think Nintendo did what they could with the limitations they had.


Great games hardly ever have shit graphics, at this time, games look good, and if they don't they probably are shit. Saying that, a lot of games look great and are also shit. I'd love someone could find some awesome games that have shit graphics.

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Great games hardly ever have shit graphics, at this time, games look good, and if they don't they probably are shit. Saying that, a lot of games look great and are also shit. I'd love someone could find some awesome games that have shit graphics.


I really, really do not know how to respond to that without saying something I'd regret, so I'll leave it at that.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.
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Great games hardly ever have shit graphics, at this time, games look good, and if they don't they probably are shit. Saying that, a lot of games look great and are also shit. I'd love someone could find some awesome games that have shit graphics.


Read that, and tell yourself.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.
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To me, thay mean almost nothing, unless they make the game nearly unplayable and have lots of graphic errors. I don't care if an Xbox game has N64 graphics, as long as the devs don't claim their graphics are the best in the world. I think the artstyle matters more. And I still think that dosen't matter much, as long as the game is fun.

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To answer the question in the thread title, graphics don't matter as much as art direction does.


Look at, I dunno, Sonic R for the Saturn for example - even by the standards of 1997 it's not exactly a looker, yet in my opinion it still holds up at least decently due to its design, far better than many first generation PSX games, for instance. Or hell, look no further than Zelda: Ocarina of Time! Compared to TP or SS it graphics are awful (alone because of the technical differences between a N64 and GCN or Wii), yet I think - as opposed to apparently many people who deride it for its low-resolution textures and the typical "N64 fog" - its visual style and design are still pretty nice to look at. Throw in some emulation to run the game at a higher resolution, maybe a high-res texture pack, and it might rival some, but certainly not all, early Dreamcast games!


Also, disregarding graphics entirely, isn't it the gameplay that counts? The original Super Mario Bros. is very barebones in both but still playable, and I wouldn't advise anyone against SMB2 or 3, which are to this day very playable and very fun games. Really, as much as I like my Xbox 360 as hooked up to my Full HD TFT monitor, there's something about games like, say, Zelda: Link's Awakening that makes them much more important to me than anything on the X360.

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To answer the question in the thread title, graphics don't matter as much as art direction does.


Look at, I dunno, Sonic R for the Saturn for example - even by the standards of 1997 it's not exactly a looker, yet in my opinion it still holds up at least decently due to its design, far better than many first generation PSX games, for instance. Or hell, look no further than Zelda: Ocarina of Time! Compared to TP or SS it graphics are awful (alone because of the technical differences between a N64 and GCN or Wii), yet I think - as opposed to apparently many people who deride it for its low-resolution textures and the typical "N64 fog" - its visual style and design are still pretty nice to look at. Throw in some emulation to run the game at a higher resolution, maybe a high-res texture pack, and it might rival some, but certainly not all, early Dreamcast games!


Also, disregarding graphics entirely, isn't it the gameplay that counts? The original Super Mario Bros. is very barebones in both but still playable, and I wouldn't advise anyone against SMB2 or 3, which are to this day very playable and very fun games. Really, as much as I like my Xbox 360 as hooked up to my Full HD TFT monitor, there's something about games like, say, Zelda: Link's Awakening that makes them much more important to me than anything on the X360.


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