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Roll out the carpet, the penguin has arrived


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*struts in* Hello everyone, this is Epic Penguin, I finally gave in to signing up to this place as I'm curious to see all the progress of projects going on here. I've been a lurker of many places and only spoke small words or comments. I am hoping to participate in more discussion going on here.

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Thanks Shadow Fire for the greeting, I think I know you as well, aren't you that guy doing the sonic hack, Sonic lost labyrinth or something? It was sounding pretty cool from what I heard about it and the very few screenshots you shared!

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Hello there Epic Penguin, Welcome to the GCN! I hope you enjoy your stay here and if you have any questions feel free to ask any of the staff or post your question in the Q & A section of the site. (the community might be faster to answer then us) Please enjoy your stay! :)

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