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General dungeon-making questions



Hey guys. I'm back with some general dungeon questions.


The first question is how does Jabu Jabu manipulate its environment? I want to create underwater objects which move, similar to Mystical Ninja at 0:20



Second question is how to manipulate water levels, as well as utilize platforms with them? I'm trying to create a sewer-like level. I want to avoid Iron Boots Water Temple crap, but I still want to create water puzzles of some sort. While I'm still modeling in sketchup, how should I approach this issue? Tips?


And say I want it to be "dirty" water? I want to make it more greenish, both the surface of water, and under water? How would I be able to handle those visual effects? Additionally, making it damage Link if he's standing/swimming in it long enough?


And WHAT IS the Lava in the central chamber of Dodongo's Cavern? I couldn't find it in my texture dump ANYWHERE!


Lastly for now, any just overall design ideas, suggestions, or tips to making an Adult Sewer dungeon? I want it NOT to have Iron Boots, so keep that in mind. What about texture suggestions? Decoration ideas?




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17 answers to this question

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For decoration, add Tingle as a sewer dwelling outcast who feasts upon rat heads. Of course, make his clothes torn up, bloody, and add dirt on his skin. And the headless rat in his hand.


I wouldn't mind making tingle hang himself, but I don't have the resources :)


I want to go for a serious dungeon design though.


Also, in sketchup, any way to make the camera NOT slow down as you approach an object? Navigating my own dungeon is VERY tedious!

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For the water surface, you can blend in a colour or use a texture that is already edited to be green. As far as damaging Link is concerned, there are a couple of ways you can approach it. You can set the collision at the bottom of the water to damage Link if he walks on it (would only work where he can walk in the water, or is wearing iron boots and would start damaging him immediately) or you could write an actor that hooks into the waterbox and sets it to start damaging Link after a set amount of time.


Water level manipulation is done via actors, specifically water plane actors alongside 'Play Ocarina Here' actors. It may be possible to use switches too, since they most likely use clear triggers, but I don't know about the rest of the setup.


I don't believe we yet have the specifics of how Jabu-Jabu's environment moves in its fleshy way; however the expanding and contracting screen effect is tied to the file table. Zeth knows more about this than I.


The lava in the main Dodongo's Cavern room is a 'dynamic texture' that is loaded from a bank of several, so in order to dump it you may need to use a Rice/Mudlord/Aristotle plugin.


Water rapids are a waterbox flag, and I think are controlled by waypoints.

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Thanks Arcaith. How exactly should I be modeling my map in sketchup if it will use water level manipulation?


Additionally, I want to create cracks in the ceiling where light shines through. How would I make such an effect?

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If you want to change water levels, you won't need to put in polygons for the visual part of the water. There isn't really anything else you need to consider beyond what heights you want the water to be.


As to light shining through cracks, a couple of actors exist for this, but they're fixed shapes. You can model the beams of light yourself, however the textures OOT uses for light rays don't currently import correctly with SharpOcarina. Also, if you want to be able to use the mirror shield while standing in these beams, there's an actor you can use for that.

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For water temple water levels and Jabu Jabu water Levels, do I still put the top level in the collision? Or none at all? How exactly does it work with the actor?


And Mirror Shield light does not work visually yet? So we would not be able to remake Spirit Temple, for example?

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The Mirror Shield light is generated by actor 00B7, object 00AB. I think there's a way to define the light's radius through the variable but I haven't tested that yet. And as Naxy said, when using an actor for the water level, you don't need to place any visual representation of the water in the graphics geometry, and you never place collision where a water surface is.

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How does fence/object jumping work for Epona? Can she jump non-fences, like a wall of spikes? I assume it's a collision type?


How many units tall is each "jumpable" height?


And say I make a sky dungeon. Most skyboxes have a black void on the bottom of them. Is it possible to have a sky box, y'know.. Without the black void? In order to make a sky-based dungeon?

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Yes, object jumping is collision based, if you look at the collision data for the Lake Hylia entrance fences that'll give you the values you need. It'll also give you the height if you look at the vertex positions with a version of UoT that supports vertex selection.


For the skybox, you can put in a plane at the bottom of your room, or if you feel like fiddling with it, edit the skybox model itself. I'm not sure exactly how to do that, though.

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I'm confused. Say I were to model it in sketchup. How many units high is that exactly for Jump Heights Epona is capable of? I'm not sure how to translate those proportions into sketchup X-x


Also, what are some practical uses of Hover Boots besides moving ontop of quick sand and longer pits? (Speaking of which, anyone have the texture quicksand uses? And how much should the texture be stretched in Sketchup in order to be consistent?)


And for those curious:

The total units you can possible make with the Hover Boots is 240 units. That's if you're rolling the whole way' date=' and if you rolled into it. The total you can make without rolling is 180~200 units.[/quote']

For anyone that info will be useful to ^


I'd also like to know if there is a simple edit we might be able to do in order to remove the Hover Boots slippery-ness, and make Iron Boots as fast normal boots?


Additionally, WTF is up with Wasteland's quicksand?


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I'm not sure how to replicate it in Sketchup. It looks like a transparent layer of that scrolling sand stuff over the normal terrain. Hard to explain. Any ideas how to replicate?

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It's a texture command, possibly made of more than one texture, though I think it's just the one. You won't be able to duplicate it in SketchUp, only apply the texture and make sure its part of a group of its own so that you can adjust the blendmode once SharpOcarina supports it. Though to get it to animate you have to import it over a scene that already has animating textures, or edit the filetable. Or use spinout's extended material commands.


As to translating the sizes, it would be done the same way you've worked out hover boot gaps. Also, you can try doing test exporting to check the size is coming out right.

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As to translating the sizes, it would be done the same way you've worked out hover boot gaps. Also, you can try doing test exporting to check the size is coming out right.


Actually, I haven't touched any tools. Okami figured it out for me (Big credit for him! :))


So if anyone could explain how Epona jump heights and collision work, that would be appreciated too! :)

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