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Planned Site Upgrade

Shadow Fire

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Sometime in the future, depending on finances, I am planning on making some heavy site upgrades. It will provide a massive amount of intergration with the forums, and overall, should improve how things are maintained. There is only one unfortunate part to this...


The software I need costs US$50. Of which I currently do not have. I am therefore (begrudgingly, because I hate begging) asking for any donations that can be made to help this progress along quickly.


I appreciate any help greatly.

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I can donate a small amount... (Because I don't have much... :))


PS. Hope that helps. :)


As long as my pay cheque isn't so bad I can probably donate between $10-$20. It comes in on Friday so I should know by then.


Since I made $300+ this Christmas, this'll be on me, Shadow! ;D


I'll send in my donation tomorrow when I get home from school, since I do not have my debit card with me.


Thanks, guys. Your generosity is very appreciated. :3
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In approximately 12-24 hours time, I will be taking The GCN offline to perform the upgrade.
This upgrade will be massive, and will change how The GCN is viewed. I have provided a couple users with a quick demo of what to expect, and it was met with positivity. Please bear in mind that an upgrade of this magnitude will take time, so we ask that you be patient with us.

On another note, this upgrade will cost us our skins, but they will be reinstalled once they have been upgraded by the skin authors. I know this is irritating, but please have faith, you will not be disappointed with the end result.

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