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Zora's River bungee dive question

The Tjalian


Just a quicky - has anyone figured out what makes Link's dive off of Zora's River's waterfall so different from any other jump off a very high place? I'd wager there's been bigger leaps off of Death Mountain and they just activate Link's regular jumping animation. So, has anyone figured it out? Or no?

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I believe it's an actor or collision type. If not, there's probably a routine which checks if link is positioned above a waterbox. If yes, play the diving animation; if not, play the normal jumping animation.




I went and looked at the map and scene files and found two things which most likely hold the answer. One of them is the Zora Diving Actor game, though I'm pretty sure that it is only the Zora NPC model and the actual game itself, not the diving platform:


Actor -0124

Object- 00FE

Variable- FFFF


The other thing which you should check out would be the collision type of the two particular polygons closest to the jump point. This is most likely causes Link to dive and there is strong evidence to prove this: the two polygons leading to the diving spot have completely different polygon types (or collision flags) than the other surrounding polygons of the same texture. Here are the collision flags for usage with Utility of Time:


Flag 1: 2C00

Flag 2: 0002

Flag 3: 0000

Flag 4: 5FC

Walked on Sound: 4


The Wiki's information on polygon types has no documentation on these particular values so I won't be able to break these bytes (or their bits) down to give you an accurate description of what it all means, sorry. The only way to see they work is to try them out yourself; I unfortunately, am running low on time for the moment.




I just realized that I was looking at Zora's Domain.

Edited by Jason777
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I'm almost positive that it's collision type. Majora's Mask does a similar thing with the diving animation as well as the cartwheels and frontflip jumps on some platforms. I am fairly certain that was confirmed to be because of the collision of the platform jumped from.

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Oh god, I was just reminded of why I started SayakaGL back then. UoT, as it is, is a piece of crap.


So I tried to replicate the collision settings Jason posted in Hyrule Field, modifying collision type #15 (ex. top of the bridge near Kakariko entrance's railing). First, no matter what I changed, no matter how often I pressed "Apply", once I switch to a different type and back to #15, the settings were reset! Saved the ROM anyway, tried it out, works! As long as there's water where you'll be jumping. Went back to UoT, reopened the ROM, it still doesn't show the changes? Plus, looking at the changed ROM in a hex editor, it messed up the second to last byte in every collision type! Was was originally the four leftmost bits were saved over the rightmost four, turning a 0x2F into 0x02 etc.!


Anyway... I'm guessing something like 2C00000200005FC4 should basically work in SO, however manual editing is slightly broken in the current versions and the code on the SVN, whereas the leftmost four bytes cannot be entered manually!


Oh ffs, hacking this game is so much trouble...

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Not exactly, Mr. Teej. Seperate your models into different component's or groups for every different polygon type. After you add a mesh map(s) in the "Rooms" tab, scroll down to the listings of groups or components. Select the specific group or component of the model you wish to edit, go to the "Collision & Exits" tab, click the "Add Polygon Type" button, and copy and paste this into the "Raw Data" input box:




As stated by xdaniel above, apparantly manual editting is broken in SO for the moment. If you do not get the desired effect, it would be beneficial to look at these two pages to fix the polygon types:





Actually, you're gonna have to import the polygon data manually; SharpOcarina does automatic changes to the values because it doesn't recognize that particular variable.

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Not exactly, Mr. Teej. Seperate your models into different component's or groups for every different polygon type. After you add a mesh map(s) in the "Rooms" tab, scroll down to the listings of groups or components. Select the specific group or component of the model you wish to edit, go to the "Collision & Exits" tab, click the "Add Polygon Type" button, and copy and paste this into the "Raw Data" input box:




As stated by xdaniel above, apparantly manual editting is broken in SO for the moment. If you do not get the desired effect, it would be beneficial to look at these two pages to fix the polygon types:





Actually, you're gonna have to import the polygon data manually; SharpOcarina does automatic changes to the values because it doesn't recognize that particular variable.


Well, that looks like something I'm going to have to devote a good hour or so, at least, to try and figure out (I've never really done hex editing to that level before). Erm, once it's done though, will SO go and overwrite it if I save the binaries again? I'm assuming so if SO doesn't know how to handle it.

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