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Actor placement in SO

The Tjalian


Hi guys.


Finally finished off my first ever map mod last night :) Very good times :) However! I ran into a couple snags when placing down some actors.


First of all, the Invisible Stalfos (0002 0032 0000). I placed it in my map, and nothing showed, even when using the lens of truth, although the music played. Are there any specific rules you need to follow when using this type of Stalfos? Using variable 0001 for the Stalfos instead, worked perfectly fine, even in the exact same position etc.


Secondly, treasure chests. I placed down a couple of large chests for the Fairy Bow and the Biggoron's Sword (000A 000E 0080 and 000A 000E 0AE1 respectively), and while Kid Link was able to open them, Adult Link was unable to. I changed these treasure chests to the small variety and both Adult and Kid Link could open them, so what gives? Even changing it to the other Large Chest variant (variable Cyyz) still didn't let Adult Link open up these treasure chests. So what gives?


Any assistance in either of these would be fantastic :) Many thanks.

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it might be positioning, trying moving the big chest up a little bit and see if that works, perhaps try on another location of the map?

As about the stalfos, I'm not sure about that.


moved it a bit to the left, nothing. Moved it up higher and just stayed on the ground.


EDIT: Figured it out. Adult Link -needs- to be on a 100% flat surface when opening up treasure chests - even though the treasure chest was on a flat surface, AL was not, therefore wouldn't let me trigger the open.


EDIT: I should state I still need help with the Stalfos thing, though :)

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Pretty sure the invisible Stalfos is one of a pair, so you also need to load up its partner for either of them to show up. Can't recall off the top of my head which one is the invisible partner, but if you have access to an actor database that should definitely be documented.

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