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Attention: Old BRP Members


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I was thinking of PM'ing each and every one of the ex-members personally, but I figured it would take too long.


Anyways, the point of this thread was to ask permission from the group to use, modify, and refurbish old maps from the archaic BRP projects. The thing is that I have an old archive of 40 or so BRP maps (SketchUp created or ZMAP/ZSCENE modifications), maybe 20 savestates, a bunch of pictures, and about 7 models which I have had since about summer 2010. Yes, I know it was very wrong for me to retrieve or download these files, but what can I say? I was extremely curious.


As I was saying, I would like your permission to be able to modify (most maps/models are incomplete or in need of a makeover) and use these files in what may become a future project of mine: A Speculative Beta Restoration. Chances are that the project will fail like so many others before it. Either way, I would still need to ask this question sooner or later.


P.S. I could upload the archive and PM ex-members a link to the files to show the content to which I am referring to. Granted, you should make a request.

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Most that stuff should be available here. Have at it.


I know about those. They make up a very small bit of the archive.


I wouldn't touch those maps with a 10ft pole, they were made terribly and are far from being optimized.


Indeed, they are pretty terrible. However, no use in throwing old work away, I suppose. I've gotten a few remodelled and completed, though.

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I will never understand why people want to restore a beta that was terrible in design, lacking in features, and was more primitive then Mario 64.


I'm sorry, but I think the beta would have been a damn fun game. And more primitive than Mario 64? I would like to see your evidence to back that up.


(I hope we're talking about the actual beta here, because I am. I am certainly not talking about that old beta restoration.)


This was a distress beacon from a probe on Talon IV.
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It would be hard to talk about the Beta in a negative light and not be flamed...lol


I too am curious as to the fervor applied to the Beta. It is a considerable amount of work and , to me, has a poor cost to benefit ratio.


Don't get me wrong, I think it takes a considerable deal of skill to do what that project has done and is still doing, but hasn't it been going on for years now? So in conclusion, I am not undermining or "bad-mouthing" so to speak, I just don't think the effort was founded.


This is not to hijack the thread and is the last I will post about it.

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We each have our own opinions. Agree to disagree. Yada yada yada. Etc. Guys, I'm really just asking for permission to use the files. People who were not members of the groups mentioned earlier (Team Beta Triforce, Forbidden Legends, Z64 Bros.), please do not post as this really has nothing to do with you. Besides that, I don't wanna this to start up drama. I feel like I shouldn't have to say this, but don't take this reply the wrong way.


So far, I only have permission from spinout and maybe Zeth- he seems to have hinted at it.

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