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OoT prototype footage in commercials


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...specifically, some footage of "spiral pathway" Zora's Domain in an old German commercial (0:09/0:10):



There's screenshots that show the slightly more winding staircase-ish looking pathway up to King Zora's chamber, but I don't think I have seen this version of Zora's Domain in motion before. It's also missing some of the rocks and platforms that protrude from the water, and Link doesn't go into his dive animation when leaping off the platform. For comparison...


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Is there anything (else?) of note in that commercial, as in things rarely or never before seen?

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It could very well just be me, or the poor video quality of the commercial, but the water ripple texture appears to be different:


And if this is something already well-known, whoops. >.>



The circled platform... I think it's the Forest Medallion thing, but it looks a bit weird. Though I am positive this may be video quality messing with me, lol.


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If you look at it, the symbol resembles the Shadow Sage's emblem:


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Could the original Shadow Medallion have been black? Or maybe the purple just doesn't show up well with that quality.


The medallions seem to have become a little rounder than before, too.


You know, from that video, I think the order of the Sage emblems was changed in the Chamber of Sages. Here's what I think it is in that video:



Light----------------Water (Ice)





...but as we all know, that order is this in the final:


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