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What's up with kids these days?


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My friend is a HUGE COD addict, he spends most of his time away from work playing COD. So, he invited me over to play online MW3 one day, even though I don't like COD, I came over anyway. When we entered a game, he handed me his spare mike to voice chat, and the first thing I hear is whiney little 4-year olds swearing thier guts out all over thier mic.


What's up with that? When I was a kid, everyone played games like mario. Games that are actually good for their age. But now every kid you see is a XBOX 360 or PS3 addict. There's nothing wrong with playing those consles, but the games they play, it makes me sick. They are not mature enough to play the games they play. Also, if you ask kids about nintendo, they say that it's for babies, yet half of them are probably not that older then that. And if nintendo is for babys, then why do I still play it at 21 years?


Agree or Disagree?

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I agree. I see and hear the same thing. Once I walked into Gamestop and I saw a mom buying there, I would say 7 year old, 2 COD games and some zombie killing game. (Don't remember what it was) The only console a kid should have is from Nintendo and if not Nintendo, PS3 or XBOX and have the parents buy them age appropriate games.

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I agree. I see and hear the same thing. Once I walked into Gamestop and I saw a mom buying there, I would say 7 year old, 2 COD games and some zombie killing game. (Don't remember what it was) The only console a kid should have is from Nintendo and if not Nintendo, PS3 or XBOX and have the parents buy them age appropriate games.


It's parents like that which have caused us to have such a delay in getting adult rated games. When I was younger, I was always playing my little 8-bit games, and I was entertained for hours. I have a PS2, PSP, Xbox 360 and Nintendo 3DS now. The most violent/gory game I play now is Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2. Most of my other games are either RPG or pre-date when graphic violence was the norm. As for kids swearing, I can only say that they will be no-hopers, and have no proper future. They'll probably grow to be obese, loud mouth retards whose sole purpose is to make other people feel worthless, simply because they'll never get laid. The cool feature about Xbox is that you can mute someone, and then submit a bad review about them, meaning it lowers your chance of playing with them again.
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I have to agree that kids in general now a days are a lot more immature. Though personally, I think poor parenting is to blame. Isn't it a parent's job to prevent their child from playing M rated games to begin with? Or to call them out when they cuss? When I was a child, I wasn't allowed to play anything with an M rating. I wasn't allowed to swear either or my parents would ground me. Now most parents let their kids play and say whatever they want. It doesn't help that most parents I've met now a days don't censor themselves around their kids either. And because of this, you now walk near a playground and you hear 5 year olds uttering threats and cussing like it's normal. In conclusion, A child is a product of their parents. If they behave poorly, it's most likely because their parents behave poorly.

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honestly, I wasn't officially aloud to cuss whenever I wanted till I was about 16, but the playground thing is just part of being a kid. cussing is cool and all the kids no matter how sheltered cussed to show how cool they where. I do think, like with most things, game choice is up to parent. While everyone should recognize that video games are toys; they, like puzzles, are meant for a variety of ages and just because they are toys doesn't mean you should give your 5 year old a 5000 piece puzzle. I was aloud to played M games but this was a case by case situation and wasn't aloud complete freedom of choice in my m purchases till like around 15ish

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When the kid is old enough to comprehend the gravity of what they are actually doing within a video game and understand and appreciate the real-life consequences of the choices they make in that game, they should be allowed to play it--no sooner, no later. 'Nuff said.

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And that is why I don't play on Xbox Live or PS3 online with shooting games.(unless its l4d2 with friends)

Most of the time its teens acting like 4 years olds swearing all the time and using racial slurs. They get pissed if they lose or if they hit you once they rub it in your face like their the best thing in the world. To me it takes all the fun out of a game if you have to act like that. I've heard a few 360 fanboys refer to people playing Nintendo as "babies" as well and quiet honestly, if Miyamoto one of the greatest video game minds of all time can play a Nintendo console and make games for it, I sure as hell have no problem playing a game that I'll have fun with that doesn't require cursing 24/7 on a live chat.

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Guest medli

I still aren't even allowed to play M games. good for me i guess :/


Trust me, it really is. I personally grew up with a fairly strict set of rules, and while at the time I didn't see any merit in it, after seeing what happens when you let people experience things that they're not mature enough to handle I'm glad. When you let younger kids do whatever they want in an online setting that encourages swearing and violence, that's what they'll learn. Especially when you have bad parents that don't talk to their kids and help them seperate what they see in the media from reality.


Aside from that, time will pass until you're allowed to play M rated games a lot faster than you think. Just enjoy what you have now, because time starts to pass faster the older you get.

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If was still a kid/teen, my parents would never let me play a rated M game. I don't even remember if there were any ratings on NES and SNES games, since thoose were the only consles I had growing up. My parents just didn't let me play any "inapropriate" games. I was fine with that, stuff like violence bothered me as a kid. Now, kids and teens see blood and gore as a regular thing. I still don't play many violent games today. The most violent games I play are the Resident Evil series, nothing else really at all.


Posted Image:)

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Trust me, it really is. I personally grew up with a fairly strict set of rules, and while at the time I didn't see any merit in it, after seeing what happens when you let people experience things that they're not mature enough to handle I'm glad. When you let younger kids do whatever they want in an online setting that encourages swearing and violence, that's what they'll learn. Especially when you have bad parents that don't talk to their kids and help them seperate what they see in the media from reality.


Aside from that, time will pass until you're allowed to play M rated games a lot faster than you think. Just enjoy what you have now, because time starts to pass faster the older you get.


I understand completely, if you don't have parents to teach you right and wrong and how to actually behave/take in certain situations, you can get some very bad results. Please pan the camera this way to a troubled 11 year old girl who the internet beat up!
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Celebrities these days tend to be extremely retarded, the cast of Jersey Shore being an example, but since children don't know that, and since the show glorifies those douche bags, kids learn to be jerks.


Rap. Rap these days is excessive cussing, it's more about rhyming the word f*ck and sh*t, or anything of a phallic nature. Children, again, take an impression from this, and think that it is cool. They also wear saggy pants, oblivious to the fact that saggy pants were originally founded in prisons as a way to say, "Hey, buttf*ck me!"

TV shows:

While there are a decent amount of good shows, there are also many more bad ones, good examples are most of the crap on Cartoon Network, the "teen" shows of Nick, and pretty much all of MTV. All of them tend to teach that b*tchin' about your life is cool, cussing is a great way to show you're mature, and that dreams come true.

Video Games:

Call of Duty, and every modern shooter game ever, they start to believe that they know real war, they think that they are tough, and kids become obsessed with the realistic graphics.



Now, mix all of that crap together, and you get the children of today, who grow into the teenagers of the internet, then the adults of the next day.


And there you have what's up with kids these days.

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They also wear saggy pants, oblivious to the fact that saggy pants were originally founded in prisons as a way to say, "Hey, buttf*ck me!"

Actually that is false. Sagging pants was adopted from the United States prison system where belts are prohibited. Belts are sometimes prohibited to keep prisoners from using them as weapons or in committing suicide by hanging themselves. Contrary to a persistent urban legend, sagging did not originate as a means to advertise an inmate's sexual availability.
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Actually that is false. Sagging pants was adopted from the United States prison system where belts are prohibited. Belts are sometimes prohibited to keep prisoners from using them as weapons or in committing suicide by hanging themselves. Contrary to a persistent urban legend, sagging did not originate as a means to advertise an inmate's sexual availability.


Regardless, it is a very stupid "fashion".

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And how does that last picture relate to anything?

So the guy is a collector, big deal. Kids now-a-days are not going to turn into that, but rather the people who treat those people like utter hogwash. I thought you would know.


That last picture is Chris Chan, one of the most notorious idiots on the internet, except for that other guy, I forgot his name, but it was this guy who was obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog, had a diaper fetish, and believed himself to be the epitome of intelligence. Come on, someone help me here, what was his name again?



Ah! Sonmanic! Now that I think about it, Sonmanic was worse than Chris Chan..

Actually, both of them are way too horrible, I mean come on, surely the children of today can't be that bad?



I'm gonna go to a corner now and pray...

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That last picture is Chris Chan, one of the most notorious idiots on the internet, except for that other guy, I forgot his name, but it was this guy who was obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog, had a diaper fetish, and believed himself to be the epitome of intelligence. Come on, someone help me here, what was his name again?



Ah! Sonmanic! Now that I think about it, Sonmanic was worse than Chris Chan..

Actually, both of them are way too horrible, I mean come on, surely the children of today can't be that bad?



I'm gonna go to a corner now and pray...


Its possible :I

Back at my old place, my roomate let some guy stay with us for a few weeks cause he got kicked out(I really don't know why he let him stay, they weren't like friends or anything). So the guy stays with us and he's one of those diaper fetish freaks, he even walked around in footy pajamas and had a pacifier even. I was like "WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!?!" Not to mention the house smelled like baby powder and diapers just from him. :I


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I'm all for sexual expression but I feel like he should have warned you guys

Not that he should apologize for what likes but should have been like "hey, I'm into baby stuff, is that cool?" or "hey man, not to be weird but I have a diaper fetish and want to let you know before you agree to let me crash here"

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I'm all for sexual expression but I feel like he should have warned you guys

Not that he should apologize for what likes but should have been like "hey, I'm into baby stuff, is that cool?" or "hey man, not to be weird but I have a diaper fetish and want to let you know before you agree to let me crash here"


Yeah I kind of wish I knew about this beforehand but nevertheless, its something I don't have to deal with in my new place! :)
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That last picture is Chris Chan, one of the most notorious idiots on the internet, except for that other guy, I forgot his name, but it was this guy who was obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog, had a diaper fetish, and believed himself to be the epitome of intelligence. Come on, someone help me here, what was his name again?



Ah! Sonmanic! Now that I think about it, Sonmanic was worse than Chris Chan..

Actually, both of them are way too horrible, I mean come on, surely the children of today can't be that bad?



I'm gonna go to a corner now and pray...


Okay, see, I had no idea who that guy was. I was assuming you were bashing the fact he had stuff everywhere one could consider "nerdy", but now that I know what he really is... bleh. o.o

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