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What's up with kids these days?


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^ agreed, it not only promotes the idea "we're america, f**k everyone else" but also will probably cause the next video game crash

I like some fps games but honestly its more about me playing them with friends instead of it being the actual game I'm enjoying

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In Call of Duty's defense, you actually do team up with other countries in some of the games, so it's not entirely meant to glorify America.


Though honestly, if I were to come up with a list entitled "Most boring and uninspired FPS games in history", it would consist of every Call of Duty ever created, as well as a few others here and there.


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I think you guys are being a little too harsh here, the game isn't really that bad, it's the fan base that is annoying. Sure, I admit that it's milked, but it's not a bad game.


No, Pinkie. It's a very, very bad game. But hey, opinions; what're you gonna do?


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I'm more concerned with what effects the games have on their fanbase

they are well made for what they are, I just feel like the writing and ideas expressed are juvenile for as serious as those take themselves

just like I feel that being able to skip the offensive content is wrong cause they are trying to make a statement but in a fluttershy style "oh, I mean, if thats ok with you, I mean, you don't have to listen to me"

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You better not be dissing Fluttershy. >8U


On a more serious note:

I see nothing wrong with giving people the option to skip something, though I believe if they give you said option, they should not have taken the time and effort to program the skippable event into the game in the first place.


But hey, whatever; they chose that path to take, so it's to be expected of them now.



Kids still shouldn't even be playing this game. While it's just fine for them to play it once they mature enough, there's a rating system for a reason. And every damn kid that owns this game, an Xbox Live account, and a mic have proven themselves to not be mature enough to even play the likes of Super Mario.


This was a distress beacon from a probe on Talon IV.
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(X360 vs N64)


My Xbox 360: Manufactured in 2007 if I recall, always been treated with care (at least by me, I'm the third or so owner, has never even been online before I got it), but has RROD'd once. It recovered and while it hasn't had any problems since, I tread warily.


My US N64: At least 7 years older than the X360, I found it loose, drenched with rain and lying on the ground at a flea market, still bought it because "It's Nintendo! They don't break so easily!". Three or so years later, still going strong, recently had its tabs removed for Japanese games to fit. (...sound like it had some cavities or fleas removed, doesn't it?)

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