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Final Combat- A popular and somewhat decent Chinese Knockoff of TF2

Okami Takahashi

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I know, old news, but I felt compelled to share this crap.


Spoiler tag because there's a few videos, and you may way to shield your not-so-virigin eyes.














Many gameplay videos show that the sounds are identical (even the Admin's voice is present). Maps are taken from Counter Strike, TF2 and Battlefield Heroes. Model Skeletons are identical to TF2's, and their Fatman has Sniper's kukri knife.


Strike appears to be a modern day CoD-type class rather than a TF2 one.


Post your rage, gentlemen (and ladies).

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This should totally be the new rip-off thread!



First thing I would like to post is the Polystation 3! Looks totally fun, right?



And here we have the Nintendo Wii! A total rip-off, right? Aaaah just kidding, what we have here is the Chitendo Vii, ladies and gentlemen!

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Nah, I'll just stick with Final Combat for this thread.




Apparently it's a decent and popular game. But compared to TF2 it's still lame.


People on Facepunch are trying to figure out how to rip the models from the game. The data's apparently stored in a .pde file, and if no one can figure out how to rip them for usage in Gmod, well, I dunno, someone will have to try and make them from scratch.

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