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New YouTube design now forced onto us


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So yeah, YouTube has forced their new channel design onto everyone now. And I really hope they notice the mess they've made. Look at their guided tour video for the design. It's at 3336 3339 3344 dislikes right now, some 45 minutes ago it was 3183. Also check out how the channels YouTubeHelp and especially YouTube get an unfriendly comment every 30 seconds or so. I think I'll start looking around for a good alternative to YT right about now.


Also, in case it doesn't get approved, here's a comment I left on said tour video:


@YouTubeHelp - I sure hope you notice how this video virtually gets one dislike per minute right now, if not more. This whole thing is a sign of how YT is more and more regressing from a place of expression (no matter if Nyan Cat or Vlog or whatever else) to a soulless corporate site - and the majority of your users -do not like it-. Listen to them for a change, would you?

EDIT: 35 minutes later, 3423 dislikes.

Edited by xdaniel
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Leaving the actual design aside (presentation of videos and playlists, removed customizability, etc.), the fact that they forced it onto everyone, despite many complaints being voiced since they announced it, is what makes me cringe. They supposedly want feedback but apparently have so far ignored every negative thing they've gotten about this. I'm sure there's many other people who do like the new channels as well, but seeing the outrage happening right now, I'm sure they're in the minority.


I dunno, it boils down to "In YouTubistan, design chooses you!", kinda.


And damn, I'm at the point where I make "In Soviet Russia..." jokes, I really need some sleep.

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I fail to see the immense necessity of design changes, Vinyl. It looked fine the way it was before and, by using custom backgrounds, you were allowed near-total flexibility with how your channel was set up. Now it's forced into something that, to me, looks clunkier. It would be fine, like xdan said, if they left the option for the old channel designs available. Now that they've removed it altogether, we're forced to deal with something liked by about 2% of the community, going by the feedback on that video.


As I commented on that video (shortly before stamping 'dislike' on it), if it ain't broke, don't fix it. There's your obvious lesson for the day.


Also, it appears they've silently thrown in a new option in your profile setup that, by default, allows ads to show up before you videos. Screw that, man.

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(I was partially talking about general updating, which is always necessary after a certain amount of time.)

Anyways, even if I love the new channel design, you have a good point. But one thing's for certain here, Naxy:

What has been done, will not be undone. This is Google we're talking about, and the very least they will do is add slightly more customization options to please those who are complaining. In fact, since so many people are reacting negatively, I'm sure they'll do just that.

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I like how they showed the annoying oragne even though he originally stole the artwork to make it possible from jason steel


If youtube could make so that its super easy for everyone to keep all their videos in playlists cause my biggest pet peeve is when I'm watching a video and its in a series but not in a playlist

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What happened to the customization options (fonts, colors, etc)?


In order to to add more consistency to Channel designs, some customization options from the old designs have been removed. We know some of these features were popular, but this creates a more streamlined look and feel across YouTube Channels, which ultimately makes it easier for viewers to understand where to look for content from Channel-to-Channel. By providing a more structured framework, you can highlight your content and keep your viewers from having to hunt to find it.


There is a tradeoff between the amount of customization features available and how consistent and integrated with the rest of YouTube Channels.

They admit they literally fucking downgraded us so we all are exactly the same and that no one has a unique channel design. :/

Does anyone have any other options that they can suggest me for video hosting sites? I'm pretty much done with youtube after this shit fucking tastic design that is horribly put together.

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Guest medli

(I was partially talking about general updating, which is always necessary after a certain amount of time.)

Anyways, even if I love the new channel design, you have a good point. But one thing's for certain here, Naxy:

What has been done, will not be undone. This is Google we're talking about, and the very least they will do is add slightly more customization options to please those who are complaining. In fact, since so many people are reacting negatively, I'm sure they'll do just that.


Of course Youtube itself needs to be updated, and that's a good thing. No one that I know of complained when they added the ability to upload widescreen / HD videos, or when they implemented a HTML 5 viewer, or when they bumped up the video time limit past 10 minutes. Change itself isn't bad, but taking away a users ability to customize their channel most definitely is, and it shows the direction that Youtube is heading in. At this point, it's pretty obvious that Youtube no longer wants to cater to it's average user, but the corporations that pay a lot of money for advertising. Especially large music labels, those are the videos that get billions of hits when you put them all together (Vevo and Lady Gaga anyone?). Things are slowly but surely changing so that the site is less user centred, and that's such a shame, because the site became large by being user centred in the first place.


I also strongly resent that I have to watch a forced advertisement before every video. I never had to even a few years ago. I worry that as that kind of thing becomes more acceptable, it'll get taken further and further. I don't want to see the day where I pick up my phone, and I have to watch an ad before calling someone or using the calculator, or whatever I had planned to do. Or how about with paper books slowly being replaced by digital copies, having to watch an ad before reading, or having targeted ads scattered throughout the book? I know I got a bit off topic, but the future kind of scares me some times. We're trading our privacy and freedom for convenience.

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You have a good point.


Though, there are extensions for popular browsers(Opera, Chrome, Firefox) that let you disable ads before videos. Hell, I haven't seen one in a long time, so I'd say it's worth checking out.


Also, about the point of being played an ad before accepting/making a phone call:

I know you probably weren't being serious, but I would like to mention regardless how that would never happen, due to safety reasons.


Also, I would like to let everyone here know I am slightly playing devil's advocate. >.>


This was a distress beacon from a probe on Talon IV.
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Guest medli

I wasn't being serious about ads before making a call in particular, but I'm dead serious about not wanting to see advertisements on my phone, which is something I can see happening since so many people have smartphones now. As for extensions that let you disable the ads that play before Youtube videos, I realize that things like that exist, but my larger point is how much more pervasive advertising is becoming. It's also common for companies and websites to do data mining and collect information on your habits to send you targeted ads. While it's fine to get more relevant advertisements, I do think we need to be in control of the information that is collected about us, which currently isn't the case.

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