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Hey all. I figured I might as well start posting where I can. I am not very knowledgeable when it comes to modding nintendo things (except pokemon haha). I mainly edit and mess around with xbox related things with my personal favorite thing to mod being halo reach. I have been here for a while "creepin in the corner" so to say and have been greatly impressed with the progress on the URA project. If any of you need help with anything xbox feel free to hit me up. I am almost always on my comp so hopefully I can help you guys asap. :) Can't wait to see what the future brings for this site it has a ton of potential.

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Guest sakura

Welcome to The-GCN :)I'm glad you're excited about the community and the Ura project, I hope you enjoy your stay. If you're interested in getting into modding roms, we have a lot of great resources and knowledgeable people to help you get started.

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