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What was your first consle you ever owned?


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I've had a little idea to make a post to hear what people's first consles were. My first consle was the NES. I was born around the time the of the SNES, but my family was usually behind in the generations for consles. But that was pretty awesome knowing that I pretty much grew up with all of the generations of Nintendo :)

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It must've been either my original NES, Master System II or Atari 2600 in the mid-90s. I had all three of them sometime back then, but I can't quite recall which one was first right now. The first gaming device in general I've had was the family Commodore 64, I guess, which I just sort of inherited... Man, I could list a bunch of systems right now - from the A500, to the Game Boy and SNES, to my first PCs -, but I really can't get the earliest ones in order. Then again, that was, what, 16, 18 years ago?

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Guest sakura

I got a SNES with Super Mario World for my fourth birthday, and a Gameboy Colour a few years later. I pretty much grew up playing Nintendo games, and watching my uncle play PS1 / PS2 games (mostly RPGs). Those were definitely good times, some times I miss sitting back and enjoying some tea while hanging out with my family

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Back in 1998 or so was when I first owned a Game Boy, but I never played it until the following Christmas when my family bought an N64. Even then, I was deathly afraid of the controller for a year or two, and I mainly watched my dad play Ocarina of Time. Even then, I still enjoyed it immensely.

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I never actually owned a console myself until I was about 8 years old. I was 6 when I first got my hands on a Gameboy Color and a copy of Pokemon Blue. My older brother saw how I was enjoying it and let me have both the Gameboy and the Game. Hehe, I can remember my first playthrough. I never knew about the HM Flash, so I got through the cave going to Lavender Town without being able to see. :)

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The first console I actually owned (read: my parents caved in after I was diagnosed with type-1 diabetes and needed to distract me) was a first generation PAL N64. My friends all had NES and SNESes, so N64 was the logical choice. The first games I got were BK and OOT.

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