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New bill that's potentially worse than SOPA

Guest sakura

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Guest sakura

Unsurprisingly, there's another bill in the same line of thought as SOPA / PIPA.


From the article:


"Accord to the EFF, the bill contains “sweeping language [that] would give companies and the government new powers to monitor and censor communications for copyright infringement. It could also be a powerful weapon to use against whistleblower websites like WikiLeaks.â€Â


As long as “cyber security†is cited as a cause for violating your rights, the bill would apparently give a green light to governments and companies who wish to spy on user activity. ISPs, search engines and social networks would be able to make your data available to government agencies, leaving you with virtually no privacy.


“It effectively creates a “cybersecurity†exemption to all existing laws.â€Â


A scary aspect of this bill is that it allows a company to block or modify your communication."


Here's where you can read more:



Here's where you can sign a petition against it:


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There isn't a single person I know that would allow this.


I know a few people--mainly piddling indie musicians who want to become the next huge rap artist, and they think that they have to get all of their income from album sales. It seems they fail to realize that if you make something that isn't a complete hunk of crap, people will buy it more often than not, and you don't need to worry about pirates.

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Seriously, how many times are people going to try to block our internet.


The more amazing part is that they think people will actually go for it. There isn't a single person I know that would allow this.

Besides the Motion Picture association of America, every record company, and greedy folks who will take every opportunity to squeeze money out of us.


I wonder if gas could be pirated.

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk

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it needs 60 in the senate because they tend to invoke a floor rule that says you need a super majority (enough to call an end a filibuster) so that the vote actually get cast after the standard floor discussion instead of a filibuster. but since this seems to be a some what bipartisan bill they may go with simple majority

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I find it kind of tragic how little the public reaction to this sort of thing actually affects lawmaking. Considering we're dealing with a supposedly representative voice.


Representative government? In MY Soviet America? What blasphemy is this you seem to speak of?


I hate filibustering. I also hate this worthless sham of an aristocracy/oligopoly that the United Stats seems intent on still referring to as a democratic republic. Because stuff like this happens.


Fortunately, last I heard from Obama's commenting on SOPA/PIPA, he claimed that he would most likely veto the bill on the grounds of it threatening the rights granted by the First Amendment. Even if it does pass Senate, we still have hope that he will stay firm on that stance and veto it. That said, Senate may still override the veto with a 2/3 majority iirc... and if that's the case, we're basically fucked.

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